Question for the single peeps


Well-known member
What do you say to people when they ask you the following:

1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?


Well-known member
I try to avoid that question all together. So some people probably think I am gay (Not that there is anything wrong with it. Its just I am not). When avoiding fails

1) Say I am picky. Or never found the right person.
Truth is I don't have the guts to talk to any potential girls, don't have the social skills and girls don't talk to me out of the blue. The first reason prolly has something to do with the last.

2) Say that activities I do don't have any girls.
Ppl think I just play computer games always and never go out... which is True.

I try to lie about my situation, but most ppl tend to see through that. I am so transparent.


Well-known member
im happy without when i used to go outside i used to get people say to me any women on the go well obviously no i used to think people they were saying it on purpose too put me down i love women and respect women im just too quiet and anxious


Well-known member
1) My social anxiety and avoidant personality might have something to do with it but also I am a bit picky on who I would want to date. I'm picky about looks but more importantly how the girl acts I wouldn't feel comfortable dating a girl with no dreams or goals in life.

2) Refer to the first 6 words I wrote on question 1
(I am not really single, but seeing as most people here are homophobes I tend to keep it a secret from most around me. So I'm gonna go ahead and contribute to this thread.)
The following:

1) Human/Mountain Lion couples don't work, I keep ending up eating my dates.

2) No time. Gotham City deserves a symbol. It is my responsibility, for I am, the Batman. *hum the appropriate Hanz Zimmer song*

People tend to stop asking you dumb questions after you make them think you're absolutely batcrap crazy. =3
This is what I'm going to say next time they ask me.
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Well-known member
I wish I HAD people that 'cared' about me enough to ask questions like that in the first place.

I guess people think I'm just "so far off the radar" that they don't even consider such things regarding me.


Well-known member
What do you say to people when they ask you the following:

1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?

1) I'd rather be with no one than the wrong one.
2) Trust me, I'm looking! I just haven't found one worth holding onto yet.

Of course the "worth holding onto" bit works because I'm old enough that it's not weird to want a woman to marry. If I was 19 instead of 29 I'd probably be expected to just want someone to have fun with.

And it's easier to say those things than to explain that I'm rather anxious, avoidant, don't have too much to offer, and haven't found one yet.


Well-known member
1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
I say I don't want one yet. But really, I do, I just know I'm not ready, I still must find my independence.
2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?
Same reason
You either say NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Or you can tell them that maybe having a BF or GF is something you don't care about. People like to get in others business and think its rather odd you aren't like everyone else. To jump into relationships solely because others do it is simply stupid/foolish. So you tell them they could not possibly understand that you have your own reasons.


Well-known member
1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?

A: I don't need her. I don't know what I would do with her and what she would do with me.

Reality #1:
I am not good looking, also when I take haircut and shave i look 10-15 yrs younger than I am etc.

Reality #2: Since I don't have any close friends, why would I need a girlfriend? Also what will she do with me, when she founds out I have no life?

Secret wish, dream:
I would love to have someone to spend time with, to travel, to observe even the little things that can make people happier.

2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?

A: I have no time for it.

Reality #1: Really. I work, then I come home and enjoy some free time. I can do (almost) whatever I want.

Reality #2: I can't because i am terrified if only thinking of approaching girls.

Secret wish, dream: I hope some day a girl will find me.


Well-known member
i dont have gf because i dont know many females...nuff said, i never approach them and the few few times they approach me, i clam up and fail
I'm not single anymore, but when I was I would just tell people that I wasn't interested or I wasn't at that point in my life yet. It's really not their business anyway.


Well-known member
Well this is what I would probably answer if asked by someone:

1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?

"Umm I'm not very good at that sorta stuff."

2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?

"Umm I don't really know any girls"

Yes I say umm at the start of every sentence :D


Well-known member
I tell them the truth, because i'm too fat and ugly that i'm simply not attractive.

I've seen your pictures, and I don't think you're ugly. If it makes you feel any better, a survey concluded that 77% of all girls considered themselves to be 'ugly'.

I'm quite sure that the reason why you're single is because you have social anxiety. While generic shyness doesn't make it harder to find a boyfriend, social anxiety does. I've seen countless examples of this.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
1) I'm not long out of a relationship
2) a)(if male) I'm not long out of a relationship
b)(if female) [Joey from friends impression] How you doin'?

I tell them the truth, because i'm too fat and ugly that i'm simply not attractive.

I agree with Felgin, Aimee you're a little cutey - I think it's just your SA distorting your view of yourself.


Well-known member
What do you say to people when they ask you the following:

1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?

1) Because God hasn't let me meet the right one yet.
2) Because I'd rather wait and meet the right one than to get into one right now and waste my time knowing he may not be the one for me.


Well-known member
1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
Because i had a really intense relationship, and i have only been single for around 3 months. I do not want a relationship as of yet.

2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?
Because i don't believe in going out looking for one, imo that makes you not find one.