Question for the single peeps


New member
I'd probably reply that having a boyfriend is fairly pointless at my age for the moment. Really, I would prefer to have one -le shrug-


Well-known member
Oh god, that question makes me want to punch people.

It always comes across as such a snide remark, yeah sure go ahead laugh some more ;/.


Well-known member
My morals keep me from just "picking anyone". Alas, as I get older it gets harder to find a gal who fits my morals to. Plus I'm way to shy to ask first usually.
And that answers both.


Active member
These are the questions I absolutely hate getting asked. However, people seem to too nosey in regards to these questions.

I usually get irritated, as most people can tell straight away why I obviously don't have a gf. I think they ask the questions more out of politeness than anything else.

Usually I just get pissed off and tell them I'm not single by choice. Then they don't ask me that question ever again.


Well-known member
Humans are pretty gross. All women look the same after a long enough period of time.
1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
I say I guess im just picky.

2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?
I say well thats simple I dont want to get a someone who is a tool just cuz you think I should get someone.

Simples. ::p:


Well-known member
Im emotionally distant and have issues with sex since i was molested as a child.

I dont think a guy could handle all my issues.
1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
Because I just didn't find my true love yet.
2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?
She's hard to find, because i'm not really good at approaching someone.
But I know she must be somewhere in that field of flowers, there must be a beautiful rose ;) I hope I will find her someday. :)


Well-known member
What do you say to people when they ask you the following:

1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?
2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?

1) This is where I sigh and give them a disarming look of hopeless futility. Then I say something like, "It ain't easy finding a chick who's into..." and then I list out all the bizarre stuff I like.

2) This is where I say something like, "Why do you think I'm not trying?"

homophobe -- Someone who is a afraid of the same. From the Greek, meaning "homo" (same) and "phobe" from "phobia", meaning "one who fears".


1) How come you don't have a bf/gf?

If I think I can get away with it I will say I do. If they know me too well I will joke it off and pretend it doesn't irritate or embarrass me.

2) Why don't you find yourself a bf/gf?

If I can't use my lie above I will just laugh it off and say "I'm working on it" or "not to worry about me", then try to steer the conversation in another direction. The kind of ppl who ask these questions usually are the ones who won't hesitate to try and hook you up with the next girl that walks by and that would be nightmare.