@PugofCrydee yes, Target is definitely a nicer store than Walmart. Like Fountain said, they are pricier but they have better goods too. I personally love their home goods and decor.

They don't have as much of a selection of groceries like Walmart does (or at least my local Target doesn't) but with what they do have they are usually healthier and/or better quality brands along with your typical name brand junk foods at usually a higher price.
Walmart is usually pretty bad, but of course stores vary depending on where you live. I know my local Walmart is pretty clean and is an overall nice looking store even if I hate the corporation in general. But if I go 20 mins the opposite direction to the other Walmart, that one isn't nearly as nice and it's smaller. Walmart is always known nationally to attract some interesting types of people, mainly due to their extremely low prices and wide variety of cheapo goods.
We used to have Kmarts in the surrounding areas where I live, but many went out of business entirely a few years back. I really don't know if any still exist in other states...?

I'm sure they must, but I know the very few Kmarts we had are completely gone now. Kmart was no better than Walmart imo. Perhaps even worse since their selections were a lot smaller than Walmart, yet their prices I found to be higher on a lot of things.