They still haven't shut the wi-fi off, although the company left a voicemail today informing us they'd be shutting it off soon :idontknow: Whatevah. Free wi-fi, woot.
Start downloading all the stuff you can while you still have time, QUICK OPA DOWNLOAD THE INTERNET![]()
Slow on the uptake there, Opal?I just realized the afternoon is the afternoon because it's after noon - after 12 pm. I mean I never really thought about it before, I just always thought of it as its own word. haha
Slow on the uptake there, Opal?
Although, technically, any time of day except noon is after noon, right?![]()
That's right. So 4am could still be 4 in the afternoon. The world would implode if that started happening.Even before noon is after last noon :bigsmile:
Wow cool making your own things.
Did you see this beeb article in the news?
BBC News - Etsy, Folksy and the mania for making crafts