Well-known member
My strong hands are at the ready.
I'm buggered! Drove to and from Sydney in spitting rain and awful traffic. The whole trip took me several hours - longer than what I had anticipated. Time to relax for the rest of this overcast Saturday.
I didn't realise it could rain in Australia :
I don't know why I'm still awake. But ummm. My cat hissed at me for no reasonI was just trying to let her out of the hallway and she kept meowing at me and then hissed. What did I dooooo?
Also, this (from here: HowStuffWorks "How Hangovers Work"):
"The morning after heavy drinking, the body sends a desperate message to replenish its water supply -- usually manifested in the form of an extremely dry mouth. Headaches result from dehydration because the body's organs try to make up for their own water loss by stealing water from the brain, causing the brain to decrease in size and pull on the membranes that connect the brain to the skull, resulting in pain."
WTF??? Did anyone else know this? That freaks me out so much I never want to become dehydrated again.
Oh gosh - I knew the headaches were from dehydration but didn't know how. I had some wine last night so I think I'll get lots of glasses of water in before my body organs ask my brain!