Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Of course! Thank you for the concern! :) Of course, I should point out, the majority of his "stalking" is typing random comments like "Horse" and "Donkey"... Repeatedly... Or making the odd derogatory remark or insult... Tagging me in pictures of old Doctor Who monsters... Things like that lol, so nothing disturbing... Though he once spent a night going through every single picture and post I'd ever put on FB and commenting (Pointless things, some offensive, some just plain weird.) or clicking "like" on them all... Which was a little unnerving... He also tried to trick me into giving him a contact number... Like I'm that stupid haha! Although, I did become worried when he started talking to a 13 year old girl on FB who is connected to the main object of his stalking... I had to warn her father to watch out and make sure she was careful (her father is also connected and is on my friend list).
Infantile crap. He's an idiot.
It´s been a longer time ago, a few weeks or so. We had 8 chicken, black and whites, born at the beginning of april. Unfortunately, too many roosters among them. By now they are past adolescence and my mother said they were fighting. She gave one away to some ppl in the village. Still, there were 3 left (including one old one). One of them was white and he was quite solitary, often walking on his own or with maybe one solidary small dark chick. Once in the eveing my mother was looking for him and he was nowhere to be found. Then in the morning she said "you know where he was, he was sleeping on the tree". This made me relating to him, I too would prefer to sleep outside than in a smelly henhouse with other chicken, let alone if they´re fighting. After some time in the evening she told me, uncle is coming in the morning and will take 2 roosters, he will keep one and kill one. I shouted "noooo", I didn´t want him to kill any! I understand we can´t have so many roosters and this is nature but despite it, I can´t come to terms with these natural laws, which include death and killing. I don´t understand how ppl can be farmers.. I couldn´t rear animals because I would have to kill them. And to choose which one to take, it is like a Sophia´s choice to me :(. Ok so the next morning he came and took 2 of them, and of course, as I assumed, he killed the white one and the other one he took home for his flock. I was angry at my mother, saying why did you take exactly him, it was my rooster. She said, we have to keep the others they´re proper roosters. I said - why don´t you get rid of me, I am too an inferior creature. She said, "because I have no choice" o_O

End of the sad story.
Pardon my english, I sound like imbecile.

Wow, that was really not necessary and cruel for your mother to make a comment like that to you :(
I am sorry you had to put up with your mother saying something so mean to you. ((Hugs))
By the way your english is fine Lea, I never have any trouble reading and understanding your posts.


Well-known member
There was a really hot girl walking down the street,I flung my jacket on and stalked her all the way to the store. I went in and bought something just to see her. Man im a perv...:rolleyes:

Nothing wrong with checking out a beautiful lady. That doesn't make you a perv, unless you were having dirty thoughts as well.

OH YEAH chief,there were dirty thoughts aswell::p: oh well im a teenager,im aloud hehe.

Oh a teenager! Well that's understandable. As for me I'm a closet pervert myself. No I don't go looking for it, far from it. I respect females with all my heart and soul. But if a skirt blows up in the wind you best believe I'm well aware of it. And my lightning fast reflexes will insure that she wouldn't be the wiser.


... never leaving the house again.

No, but seriously.

I'm not certain but after rereading these posts I get the feeling we spooked THE HELL outta somebody.

If so then nevermind us Weirdy, lol.
It's a man thing, it's a MAAN THING! :)
It´s been a longer time ago, a few weeks or so. We had 8 chicken, black and whites, born at the beginning of april. Unfortunately, too many roosters among them. By now they are past adolescence and my mother said they were fighting. She gave one away to some ppl in the village. Still, there were 3 left (including one old one). One of them was white and he was quite solitary, often walking on his own or with maybe one solidary small dark chick. Once in the eveing my mother was looking for him and he was nowhere to be found. Then in the morning she said "you know where he was, he was sleeping on the tree". This made me relating to him, I too would prefer to sleep outside than in a smelly henhouse with other chicken, let alone if they´re fighting. After some time in the evening she told me, uncle is coming in the morning and will take 2 roosters, he will keep one and kill one. I shouted "noooo", I didn´t want him to kill any! I understand we can´t have so many roosters and this is nature but despite it, I can´t come to terms with these natural laws, which include death and killing. I don´t understand how ppl can be farmers.. I couldn´t rear animals because I would have to kill them. And to choose which one to take, it is like a Sophia´s choice to me :(. Ok so the next morning he came and took 2 of them, and of course, as I assumed, he killed the white one and the other one he took home for his flock. I was angry at my mother, saying why did you take exactly him, it was my rooster. She said, we have to keep the others they´re proper roosters. I said - why don´t you get rid of me, I am too an inferior creature. She said, "because I have no choice" o_O

End of the sad story.
Pardon my english, I sound like imbecile.

Wow. I don't know whether she picked the wrong words or whether she was trying to be mean, but that was seriously uncool. Obviously you're not inferior. Neither was the rooster, in my opinion. He was perhaps more complicated to handle, but since when does ''easy handling'' equal ''superiority''? It's a silly concept. It would've been better if your vote in the matter was respected.

I wasn't there, so I can't judge accurately, but from your description it sounds like they simplified the decision. If people take a life, any life, the person committing the deed owes it to the other to consider all aspects thoroughly.

I'm sorry you had to go through that.. It can't be easy.


Well-known member
I'm curious about how looked down upon the GED is. I'm to the point that I'm 19, 20 in December, and not close to finish high school. It seems like I have this endless supply of essays, and soon I will start working 7 days a week. I originally got behind when I was hospitalized for a bit of time. Then issues at home just made it hard for me to ever catch up. I want to get on with my life now. No matter what, I will be going to college after. Would future employers still refuse to hire me, if I went to college and did a good job?

If anyone is reading this, would you really look down upon someone because they have a GED? Even if they continue to finish their education and strive to better themselves.


Well-known member
I'm curious about how looked down upon the GED is. I'm to the point that I'm 19, 20 in December, and not close to finish high school. It seems like I have this endless supply of essays, and soon I will start working 7 days a week. I originally got behind when I was hospitalized for a bit of time. Then issues at home just made it hard for me to ever catch up. I want to get on with my life now. No matter what, I will be going to college after. Would future employers still refuse to hire me, if I went to college and did a good job?

If anyone is reading this, would you really look down upon someone because they have a GED? Even if they continue to finish their education and strive to better themselves.

no, i wouldn't - and as an employer, i wouldn't hold it against you


BlueDays & Blackpuma, I almost forgot to look back if anyone replied to that. Thank you for your replies! I´m sorry it wasn´t apparent from the post, my mother was just kidding :D (she meant she had no choice because I am the only child). We have this kind of dark humour in the family. I love it in fact, and am conditioned to use it myself, unfortunately not always on appropriate occasions. But apart from that, the story wasn´t a joke and my sadness for the animal was/is genuine.


Well-known member
Thanks for your input.

I guess this is a step I'm just going to have to take. Hope I'm not completely ruining any chance of a future XD

you have a valid reason for the interruption in your education that can easily be explained to a potential employer - it's nothing to be ashamed of

besides, on an application, when it asks to list your education, you merely have to fill in the name of the high school - you don't really have to go into how you got your diploma

at a certain point in your working career, employers stop looking or caring where you went to high school, and you can just leave it off your resume (although it may still come up on application forms if you are required to fill one out for the position)


Well-known member
Bad liars amuse me. The ones that not only are lying to others, but who try to fool themselves as well, so much that they even believe their own lies lol. When actually they just live in a parallel universe, and ignore the reality thats right in front of them, running away from it. Pretty sad if you ask me. I honestly pity these kind of people.


Well-known member
Its my birthday. Its lovely to go on facebook and 2 out of 200 friends said happy birthday and they were my sister and my uncle..-_-.


Well-known member
Its my birthday. Its lovely to go on facebook and 2 out of 200 friends said happy birthday and they were my sister and my uncle..-_-.
