It´s been a longer time ago, a few weeks or so. We had 8 chicken, black and whites, born at the beginning of april. Unfortunately, too many roosters among them. By now they are past adolescence and my mother said they were fighting. She gave one away to some ppl in the village. Still, there were 3 left (including one old one). One of them was white and he was quite solitary, often walking on his own or with maybe one solidary small dark chick. Once in the eveing my mother was looking for him and he was nowhere to be found. Then in the morning she said "you know where he was, he was sleeping on the tree". This made me relating to him, I too would prefer to sleep outside than in a smelly henhouse with other chicken, let alone if they´re fighting. After some time in the evening she told me, uncle is coming in the morning and will take 2 roosters, he will keep one and kill one. I shouted "noooo", I didn´t want him to kill any! I understand we can´t have so many roosters and this is nature but despite it, I can´t come to terms with these natural laws, which include death and killing. I don´t understand how ppl can be farmers.. I couldn´t rear animals because I would have to kill them. And to choose which one to take, it is like a Sophia´s choice to me

. Ok so the next morning he came and took 2 of them, and of course, as I assumed, he killed the white one and the other one he took home for his flock. I was angry at my mother, saying why did you take exactly him, it was my rooster. She said, we have to keep the others they´re proper roosters. I said - why don´t you get rid of me, I am too an inferior creature. She said, "because I have no choice"
End of the sad story.
Pardon my english, I sound like imbecile.