Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I know what you mean. Last week I tried so hard to be positive, and it felt great for a while, but it just seemed so alien, so out of place and character for me. Sadness seems to be my default emotional setting.

When you've become so used to a negative emotion, feeling positive is always going to feel different. Having negativity as a default setting isn't going to make your positive feelings normal, or even welcomed.

I am going through the same thing: my default emotion is always negative and I'm having a very difficult time trying to change that into something good. I'm hoping it will happen, though, but I always fall back.
I can so relate to you both.
Goodluck Srijita! And good for you :)
Thanks Escape and Beleza :)


Well-known member
In three weeks I'll have a small event regarding my birthday. It seems that all of my closest friends can show up. So it will be a small group of people, but all of them good frends. Since I don't like regular parties, we'll have a board- cardgame evening. Which is nice, since just the day before, half of us will have visited the Spiel in Essen, which is one of the largest board and cardgame faires worldwide, so we will probably have new games to try.

Those friends of mine expect me to hand them a list, of things that I'd like as presents, that would make me happy.

But that seems odd to me. I mean... I don't want expensive material goods from them, since my friends ain't rich, and I'd have a bad conscience. And cheap material goods? I could just buy them myself. It seems silly that, if there is something that I'd want and it's cheap, I'd not buy it myself, but tell someone to buy it for me.

I'd write something like hugs and cuddling on the list, but that seems a bit silly too. Especially since some of those friends would love to give that to me, but have quite jealous partners. So that would put them into an uncomfortable situation.

I could just say "I don't need presents, I'm happy when you show up". And that's true. But still... don't we all like to get a present at times?



Well-known member
Those friends of mine expect me to hand them a list, of things that I'd like as presents, that would make me happy.

But that seems odd to me. I mean... I don't want expensive material goods from them, since my friends ain't rich, and I'd have a bad conscience. And cheap material goods? I could just buy them myself. It seems silly that, if there is something that I'd want and it's cheap, I'd not buy it myself, but tell someone to buy it for me.

I'd write something like hugs and cuddling on the list, but that seems a bit silly too. Especially since some of those friends would love to give that to me, but have quite jealous partners. So that would put them into an uncomfortable situation.

I could just say "I don't need presents, I'm happy when you show up". And that's true. But still... don't we all like to get a present at times?

I have a birthday coming up too and feel the same way! I don't like having to give someone a list of things I want - I'd rather they pick out something they think I'd like, if they want to. While it is nice to get presents, the best gift can just be that person's time and friendship.

Your board games party sounds like a good time! Hope your birthday is a happy one! :)


Well-known member
I have a birthday coming up too and feel the same way! I don't like having to give someone a list of things I want - I'd rather they pick out something they think I'd like, if they want to. While it is nice to get presents, the best gift can just be that person's time and friendship.

Your board games party sounds like a good time! Hope your birthday is a happy one! :)

I agree. For birthday parties you feel forced to go to, it's of course nice to just pick something from such a list. But for closer friends, it should be something that shows that you care about them, and appreciate the friendship. But of course that's not easy, so I understand if most people prefer such a list instead.

And thanks, it's still some weeks until then, but I'm sure it will be a nice day. :) Same as the one you'll attend to.


Well-known member
Hmmmmm.... One of the people I'm a fan of (musically speaking) has had all of their websites hacked... I wonder if it's by the person who is his and my stalker... (Presumably I'm stalked by the stalker for being a fan of the main object of his stalking... But I have spoken with the person I'm a fan of about it.. We compiled a list of the stalker's fake FaceBook identities...) The stalker has been awfully silent as of late, which is unlike him...


Well-known member
Hmmmmm.... One of the people I'm a fan of (musically speaking) has had all of their websites hacked... I wonder if it's by the person who is his and my stalker... (Presumably I'm stalked by the stalker for being a fan of the main object of his stalking... But I have spoken with the person I'm a fan of about it.. We compiled a list of the stalker's fake FaceBook identities...) The stalker has been awfully silent as of late, which is unlike him...

A stalker, how flattering! is he good looking? ::p:
Seriously now, have you tried contacting the authorities?


Well-known member
^ No he's decidedly not good looking... he looks like a lunatic and he actually is... He was sectioned at one point apparently... I've seen the pictures of the place with him in it!

No, the authorities haven't been contacted... it's only a FaceBook thing (For me anyway - it's more intrusive for the others he stalks...) and I know his fake identities and his style too well, (I've received 4 or so friendship requests from people who were obviously him for example) so I can escape him easily if necessary... I actually keep him on my list just to watch for developments as I find it mildly entertaining.


Well-known member
^ No he's decidedly not good looking... he looks like a lunatic and he actually is... He was sectioned at one point apparently... I've seen the pictures of the place with him in it!

No, the authorities haven't been contacted... it's only a FaceBook thing (For me anyway - it's more intrusive for the others he stalks...) and I know his fake identities and his style too well, (I've received 4 or so friendship requests from people who were obviously him for example) so I can escape him easily if necessary... I actually keep him on my list just to watch for developments as I find it mildly entertaining.

Well, if you feel that your privacy is being compromised, you must not let him continue! even if some might see Facebook harassment as minor..
And I apologize, but english is not my mother tongue...sectioned as cutting himself / being cut by others?


Well-known member
I haven't been regular here in a while! I log in from time to time but I barely know what's going on anymore :O

Anyway if someone needs someone to talk to or just wants to chat, my inbox is always open, even if I don't log in I will still receive an email for every PM so I'll reply asap :)

*fades away again* :p


Well-known member
^I'm glad to see you here again even if its only for a while.

Just returned from the gathering, it went well. I met some friends and we chatted, also talked to some random people (friend's friends). My friend was glad to see me there, so yeah, overall I had a good time. :)
I ended up playing some games and being kept awake by my mom and stepdad arguing :/

I'm sorry. That definitely sucks.


Well-known member
I noticed a social phobia support group in this city. And, as a matter of fact, when I bike after work to my flat, it's nearly directly on my way. And their weekly meeting is at about the time I'd bike there too.

I sent them a mail and replied to a thread about that group, to see if the adress and time is still correct (because it was from a pretty old post), but got no reply so far.

On the one hand, I think: "why should I go there? I'm not the most social person, but it's not that bad...". Then at the same time, just going there, asking the receptionist "I'm here for the social phobia support group, where does that take place", and imagining going into a room full of people, turning to look at who entered... That makes me cringe and my innards cramp up. So I will probably check it out.

I just don't really like the fact, that when I'd go there regularly, then I'd always show there up after having biked already for like 15 miles, and after a long workday. Sitting among strangers in sweaty clothes is a bit odd.


It´s been a longer time ago, a few weeks or so. We had 8 chicken, black and whites, born at the beginning of april. Unfortunately, too many roosters among them. By now they are past adolescence and my mother said they were fighting. She gave one away to some ppl in the village. Still, there were 3 left (including one old one). One of them was white and he was quite solitary, often walking on his own or with maybe one solidary small dark chick. Once in the eveing my mother was looking for him and he was nowhere to be found. Then in the morning she said "you know where he was, he was sleeping on the tree". This made me relating to him, I too would prefer to sleep outside than in a smelly henhouse with other chicken, let alone if they´re fighting. After some time in the evening she told me, uncle is coming in the morning and will take 2 roosters, he will keep one and kill one. I shouted "noooo", I didn´t want him to kill any! I understand we can´t have so many roosters and this is nature but despite it, I can´t come to terms with these natural laws, which include death and killing. I don´t understand how ppl can be farmers.. I couldn´t rear animals because I would have to kill them. And to choose which one to take, it is like a Sophia´s choice to me :(. Ok so the next morning he came and took 2 of them, and of course, as I assumed, he killed the white one and the other one he took home for his flock. I was angry at my mother, saying why did you take exactly him, it was my rooster. She said, we have to keep the others they´re proper roosters. I said - why don´t you get rid of me, I am too an inferior creature. She said, "because I have no choice" o_O

End of the sad story.
Pardon my english, I sound like imbecile.


Well-known member
^ No he's decidedly not good looking... he looks like a lunatic and he actually is... He was sectioned at one point apparently... I've seen the pictures of the place with him in it!

No, the authorities haven't been contacted... it's only a FaceBook thing (For me anyway - it's more intrusive for the others he stalks...) and I know his fake identities and his style too well, (I've received 4 or so friendship requests from people who were obviously him for example) so I can escape him easily if necessary... I actually keep him on my list just to watch for developments as I find it mildly entertaining.
Stay safe, Starry. Don't let him be any more creepy towards you than he already is.

happy birthday to me
Happy birthday, vermont. :)

Just returned from the gathering, it went well. I met some friends and we chatted, also talked to some random people (friend's friends). My friend was glad to see me there, so yeah, overall I had a good time. :)
I'm glad you had a good time, Srijita. Sometimes these events are not as bad as our minds anticipate them to be. When they go well it's always a massive relief.


Well-known member
Stay safe, Starry. Don't let him be any more creepy towards you than he already is.

Of course! Thank you for the concern! :) Of course, I should point out, the majority of his "stalking" is typing random comments like "Horse" and "Donkey"... Repeatedly... Or making the odd derogatory remark or insult... Tagging me in pictures of old Doctor Who monsters... Things like that lol, so nothing disturbing... Though he once spent a night going through every single picture and post I'd ever put on FB and commenting (Pointless things, some offensive, some just plain weird.) or clicking "like" on them all... Which was a little unnerving... He also tried to trick me into giving him a contact number... Like I'm that stupid haha! Although, I did become worried when he started talking to a 13 year old girl on FB who is connected to the main object of his stalking... I had to warn her father to watch out and make sure she was careful (her father is also connected and is on my friend list).