Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
My roommate called me a sick person today because I mentioned my other friend to her. I'm so confused now. Was she right?


Well-known member
My roommate called me a sick person today because I mentioned my other friend to her. I'm so confused now. Was she right?

Why would she do something like that? Hearing all this stuff about this roommate of yours, maybe she's the one that's sick.


Well-known member
My roommate called me a sick person today because I mentioned my other friend to her. I'm so confused now. Was she right?
^ This roommate of yours is no good, sorry you have to go through this. Next semester, if at all possible, either live on your own or at least try to get setup with someone more decent. Wishing you all the best, Srijita. Hang in there.


Well-known member
What did you say about your friend?
Well, I told her that it'd be nice if three of us could hang out together and since the topic came up I mentioned how she used to make fun of me in front of others and still does it to an extent. My roommate thinks I'm rediculas since my other friend seems like such a nice person. She said I'm making it all up because I'm just parnoid and jealous. Makes me wonder if its true, maybe I just can't get along with people.
Why would she do something like that? Hearing all this stuff about this roommate of yours, maybe she's the one that's sick.

^ This roommate of yours is no good, sorry you have to go through this. Next semester, if at all possible, either live on your own or at least try to get setup with someone more decent. Wishing you all the best, Srijita. Hang in there.

Aw, that's mean. Of course not Srijita, it seems like you were just trying to be nice to this person.
Thanks guys. :)


Well-known member
Anyone ever felt closer to animals than to humans? I ditched most of the family dinner to be with my sister's dog..and it felt great


Well-known member
"I miss the comfort in being sad"

I know what you mean. Last week I tried so hard to be positive, and it felt great for a while, but it just seemed so alien, so out of place and character for me. Sadness seems to be my default emotional setting.


Well-known member
There was a really hot girl walking down the street,I flung my jacket on and stalked her all the way to the store. I went in and bought something just to see her. Man im a perv...:rolleyes:


Well-known member
There was a really hot girl walking down the street,I flung my jacket on and stalked her all the way to the store. I went in and bought something just to see her. Man im a perv...:rolleyes:
Nothing wrong with checking out a beautiful lady. That doesn't make you a perv, unless you were having dirty thoughts as well.


Well-known member
OH YEAH chief,there were dirty thoughts aswell::p: oh well im a teenager,im aloud hehe.

Oh a teenager! Well that's understandable. As for me I'm a closet pervert myself. No I don't go looking for it, far from it. I respect females with all my heart and soul. But if a skirt blows up in the wind you best believe I'm well aware of it. And my lightning fast reflexes will insure that she wouldn't be the wiser.



Well-known member
I know what you mean. Last week I tried so hard to be positive, and it felt great for a while, but it just seemed so alien, so out of place and character for me. Sadness seems to be my default emotional setting.
When you've become so used to a negative emotion, feeling positive is always going to feel different. Having negativity as a default setting isn't going to make your positive feelings normal, or even welcomed.

I am going through the same thing: my default emotion is always negative and I'm having a very difficult time trying to change that into something good. I'm hoping it will happen, though, but I always fall back.

There was a really hot girl walking down the street,I flung my jacket on and stalked her all the way to the store. I went in and bought something just to see her. Man im a perv...:rolleyes:
As long as you weren't truly "stalking" her, there's nothing wrong with looking. I'm 26 and I still do it.