Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Why oh why oh why oh why am I still up?

I just did the longest yawn-and-stretch ever, and it felt amazing, man. AMAZING. Do you guys understand what I mean by that? The stretch was amazing!

Bedtime now, and if any of you wake me up you can forfeit your free cookie.


Well-known member
Something weird just happened.

It's 10pm here and I just got a text message from my friend's ex:

":) xoxo just because ur lovely xoxo"

So I replied with "Aw, you're sweet. :) xoxo"

Her: "Back at ya xoxo hope ur having a good night, lovely xoxo big hugs"

Me: "I'm having a good night. I hope you are, too. :) Big hugs back to you. xo"

Her: "I am :) xoxo harass soon, lovely xoxo"

Wow. What just happened there?
Something weird just happened.

It's 10pm here and I just got a text message from my friend's ex:

":) xoxo just because ur lovely xoxo"

So I replied with "Aw, you're sweet. :) xoxo"

Her: "Back at ya xoxo hope ur having a good night, lovely xoxo big hugs"

Me: "I'm having a good night. I hope you are, too. :) Big hugs back to you. xo"

Her: "I am :) xoxo harass soon, lovely xoxo"

Wow. What just happened there?

Do you think she is trying to give you hints that she likes you in "that" way Mikey? Didn't she ask you to have lunch with her recently? How did that go?


Well-known member
Do you think she is trying to give you hints that she likes you in "that" way Mikey? Didn't she ask you to have lunch with her recently? How did that go?
Yeah, having lunch with her on Friday. She's always been like that - putting X's and O's in her texts, hugs a lot in real life, and so on. Kind of weird to text me late at night but yeah. Weird. Who knows.


Well-known member
Yeah, having lunch with her on Friday. She's always been like that - putting X's and O's in her texts, hugs a lot in real life, and so on. Kind of weird to text me late at night but yeah. Weird. Who knows.

Do you know any of her friends? try poking around to get a hint.


Well-known member
Do you know any of her friends? try poking around to get a hint.
No, I don't know any of her friends. I only saw her through my friend, but she got in touch with me a few days ago after months of silence and we're having lunch next week.

She's always been affectionate. Maybe it's just that. Or she's been drinking. We'll see. :)


Well-known member
No, I don't know any of her friends. I only saw her through my friend, but she got in touch with me a few days ago after months of silence and we're having lunch next week.

She's always been affectionate. Maybe it's just that. Or she's been drinking. We'll see. :)

If she is not, get her drunk! that will do the trick ::p:


Well-known member
Hehe. Do you like her? hope it will turn to be a success if you do
She is one of my crushes, but she's my friend's ex. Can't really go there. I'll just have lunch with her and see how that goes. Even a friendship would be nice. Thank you for your kind words, though. :)
She is one of my crushes, but she's my friend's ex. Can't really go there. I'll just have lunch with her and see how that goes. Even a friendship would be nice. Thank you for your kind words, though. :)

Could you ask your friend if he minds if you started dating her?
He may not mind and be happy to see you happy with someone.


Well-known member
Could you ask your friend if he minds if you started dating her?
He may not mind and be happy to see you happy with someone.
Without even asking, I think he will mind. It's too early to tell yet - it's just lunch for the time being.

My friend is more interested in me just having sex with someone. :) But maybe. Time will tell! :)


Well-known member
She is one of my crushes, but she's my friend's ex. Can't really go there. I'll just have lunch with her and see how that goes. Even a friendship would be nice. Thank you for your kind words, though. :)

Well I am sure that a fine gentleman such as yourself, with that flashy avatar will have no problem at all :) the friend thing makes it a bit tricky, but I am sure everything will be fine ;)
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Well-known member
She is one of my crushes, but she's my friend's ex. Can't really go there. I'll just have lunch with her and see how that goes. Even a friendship would be nice. Thank you for your kind words, though. :)

Good luck Mikey, I hope it goes fine. :)