Well-known member
So the question nobody has asked: why did you bite your dog?I just bit my dog and she squealed. Now I feel bad. I really didn't bite that hard!
So the question nobody has asked: why did you bite your dog?I just bit my dog and she squealed. Now I feel bad. I really didn't bite that hard!
Just so you know, the employees who said chocolate got the right answer. So get a chocolate cake infused with more chocolate and chocolate icing with chocolate dust and chocolate aura and you'll be okay.just finished polling all my employees to see what type of cake they'd like
3 said chocolate
3 said white
2 said strawberry
2 said yellow
1 said angel food
i think i'll make brownies
Yellow? whatty?
So the question nobody has asked: why did you bite your dog?
So the question nobody has asked: why did you bite your dog?
I dont like being ignored. Sometimes it feels like people get along and want to interact with everyone else EXCEPT me. It hurts my feelings.
haha!I made a phone call today....it was scary!!
Totally get what you mean. There was a time where I recognized it was me whom was fault of it, and that it was my awkward behavior that caused it. I spend quite a few year to change my behavior but it was never good enough to be accepted fully.
Eventually I just quit it all together and became ''just myself''. Not a popular state decision, but at least it doesn't require me inhumane effort for little to no reward.
I know what you mean.
I had to call my bank the other day to sort something out.
Yeah - I am not really sure why myself. I think I just come across badly, or I make people feel uncomfortable in someway, even though I try to be friendly. It's just not really a great feeling when you, or at least perceive to be left out.
another manager leaving the company
on the one hand, it creates more job security for me as i become more indispensable
but on the other hand, it removes some of my safety and support within the organization as i'm forced to fill the void they leave behind
I found that it's a uncertain mixture of real exclusion, missed invites and illusion through strong insecurity. I can never tell which is which..
I know what you mean.
I had to call my bank the other day to sort something out.
That's awful about your sister. :That was a training technique my stepdad used on his puppy years and years ago.
He used to nip at you-- so he would nip back.
Eventually, puppy decided that biting hurts and stopped biting. He knew who was boss!
I used to bite my sister when we were children.
It wasn't for training or anything-- she was just mean and would sit on my back and tickle me until I peed and then run around telling everyone that I peed my pants to humiliate me.
Here I am, not ignoring you.I dont like being ignored. Sometimes it feels like people get along and want to interact with everyone else EXCEPT me. It hurts my feelings.