I went swimming last night and it felt awesome! I might go swimming today. The water was warma dn it was the best swim of the year so far. It was really hot last night. I went swimming after 01:00 for almost an hour and then I watched Jurassic Park 3. It wasn't that bad. I had a shower the wash the clorine off my skin.
I got up over an hour ago, I really want to go swimming in the daytime. I never done that before. Swimming in the daytime creates some problems.
1. Going out to my pool, I never know if my neighbor is out and anyone can see me. I suppose I can wrap myself in a towel. The pool is on the otherside of the house.
2. The neighbors accross the street is up on a hill, I think they can see over the fence.
3. I never know who is stopping by. My Sister and her boyfriend is at the beach today, but don't know what tiem they should arrive.
That is why I have anxiety for swimming in the daytime. If I lived somewhere where it was more private, no doubt I would.
I really want to move to the cottage thast is by my folks lot. It has trails and stuff, and a path to a pond and a lake that I can swim in, probaly without beign seen. I can explore the woods in the back of my house, but in the daytime, I have to wear clothes, to get to them, as the nextdoor neighbors can see clear across my backyard. :
