Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


I agree with the overall message MzBuzz is conveying also - I am just frustrated (and often hurt) and confused, and as soon as I have a reasonable answer to explain why it is I see the same patterns over and over again (with myself removed from the situation even) then perhaps I will accept the reasons behind this behavoiur that makes absolutely NO sense. Until then, I will argue my point.
Please dont get me wrong - you know I love you all.

you know - i am thinking the dynamics to dating has changed vastly for me since entering my thirties.
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Well-known member
People do not WANT to be in an abusive relationship. There is 1000 million different negative emotions going on inside their head that causes them to stay.

They are scared to leave. They don't feel good enough. They fear the will never be loved by someone else. They feel like that is all they deserve. They feel worthless. On and on and on.

And seriously, you are in an abusive relationship with yourself. Every single day you beat yourself up and tell yourself that you aren't worth it and I don't see you or anyone else getting out of that one. You stay, so why is it so difficult to understand how someone could be stuck in an abusive relationship?

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship once. He had me, he knew that I was weak, he knew I had no self esteem. He would pretty much build me up in thinking that I was lucky to have someone love me because I was such a horrible person no one else ever would. Too be honest the only way that I actually got away from that was because he broke it off with me, telling me I was the absolute worst person he had ever met and he regretted every talking to me or getting involved with me, worst mistake of his life. I wanted to apologize! I wanted to beg for forgiveness!

It wasn't I liked it, it wasn't because I wanted to stay. It was because I so desperately wanted someone to "care" about me that I figured that if only I acted right, said the right things, became a better person, didn't say rude things, and stopped screwing up I could be the right person for him and make him happy.

It is an absolute and total mind fck and I am sorry but I am sick and tired of you (and others) sitting there and being like "omg like girls suck because they love abusive relationships but hate nice guys!" There is so much more to it than that!

And I repeat, you are in an abusive relationship with yourself. Every single day you beat yourself up and tell yourself that you aren't worth it and I don't see you or anyone else getting out of that one. You stay in that mind set. You don't leave it behind, yet for some reason it baffles you as to why girls stay in abusive relationships.

You= is a vague term too, not saying you you necessarily.

There is such a thing as too understanding. That is the type of behavior that allows people to fall into abusive relationships. "Okay, it's okay that you didn't call me back last night." "It's okay that you forgot about our date" "It's okay that you cheated on me, I forgive you"

And if someone doesn't want that, it isn't stupid they'd rather have someone call them on their BS when they are acting rude and treating them poorly.

Also, I guess if you want to consider beating someone down to a pulp emotionally, physically and sexually so bad they can't find the strength to leave, and if they do leave to be emotionally scarred for years and years a success then I don't really want to know what you consider a failure.
sorry. /end rant
This post gives me something to think about. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Well-known member
I've a confession to make - I broke off going out with some friends the day before by lying that I was ill. They told me that they only wanted to go with me. I feel guilty and I feel quite bad. The only reason I didn't want to go was because I thought it wouldn't be as enjoyable with me there. Not even sure why I'm typing this. Ah well. Next time I won't be such a d*ck and just go.


If a guy says „ I am a nice guy, don´t be afraid“ that sounds creepy. I had men saying that to me sometimes on travels which only proved I should not trust them.

Btw as for this dilemma nice guys vs jerks: I wonder if it´s a male thing again as I don´t remember seeing a woman complaining that all the guys go for bitches – which is true also. I have seen it countless of times, all that woman needs to do is moving her ass in miniskirt, flatter them and act blatantly seductive – and it´s enough for the men to loose their head totally. I think if a woman wants, she can seduce almost any man she chooses to. All she needs to be charming, flattering, ingratiating.. letting the man feel that he is the most awesome man on the planet – he will happily fall for that and will believe that crap :D. Besides I think most men will rarely reject an opportunity if it presents to them, and have as much sex as they can with little discrimination. Which for example I couldn´t.. But it´s a men´s thing. Knowing this, for me that means that if I ever found myself in a relationship with someone, I would always be afraid that they fall for every only a bit better woman which crosses their path. But despite that I also believe there are men who can be loyal, only.. I don´t know ;). And obviously I have also seen men who had been trapped into abusive relationships and don´t think it´s rare at all.

But back to the – why-do-women –always-choose-jerks-why- don´t-they-instead-choose-me-I-am-a-nice-guy-I-would-never-treat-them-wrong. I don´t know if assumption that „I am the nice guy, the others are jerks“ isn´t a bit conceited? Because it assumes thinking you´re better than others, but I think there is a scale with what and who is „bad“ and who is „good“, besides things are not often so obvious as they seem. How can you know that someone who is appearing nice isn´t in fact an *******? Isn´t it a bit controlling wanting to tell others whom they are supposed to love or be in relationship with, what they should do with their lives? I think noone can have such an insight into other´s relationships to the extent to understand it. It may seem irational to you why some people choose obviously bad partners. But love is irrational – maybe they´re attracted to them sexually, feel compatible with them, be their types, can relate to them, or feel there is something familiar about them (which are subjective reasons and something an observer from outside can hardly grasp). I have once read about one study with animals, where they found the birds always chose their mates from the same level as themselves. So a mediocre bird went for mediocre birds, never for the champion ones even if they had free choice. Why? It´s probably some natural mechanism. But if we like what others choose or not, this is not our right to control it. It is something we should leave to God or nature, it is not our business. To each their own ;).


狼;621841 said:
I still miss him sometimes which realllly f**cks with my brain.

This is what I find interesting.
It's like these guys have this mesmerizing power. Some kind of mystical hold. I don't understand it.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Slightly pissed off that a UK-based musical instruments store with their own eBay shop cancelled my order for a Peavy 75 watt Vypyr guitar amplifer this morning, an order I placed on the previous Friday. Now I've got a 2 week wait til the amp comes back in stock. Which sucks... but it'll be well worth the wait.


Well-known member
Btw as for this dilemma nice guys vs jerks: I wonder if it´s a male thing again as I don´t remember seeing a woman complaining that all the guys go for bitches – which is true also. I have seen it countless of times, all that woman needs to do is moving her ass in miniskirt, flatter them and act blatantly seductive – and it´s enough for the men to loose their head totally. I think if a woman wants, she can seduce almost any man she chooses to. All she needs to be charming, flattering, ingratiating.. letting the man feel that he is the most awesome man on the planet – he will happily fall for that and will believe that crap :D. Besides I think most men will rarely reject an opportunity if it presents to them, and have as much sex as they can with little discrimination. Which for example I couldn´t.. But it´s a men´s thing.
I mentioned this once before. The other side of the coin is hardly discussed.

I have had crushes on "bitches" before. One of them wouldn't even give me the time of day, yet I couldn't detach. It was quite frustrating.

it's so bloody hard to lose weight..
I know! *munches on cupcakes*


Well-known member
I have an exam tomorrow and im soooooo nervous about it even though I know I shouldn't be. Maybe it has something to do with the pressure of it being the very last exam. It's like leading a Formula One race and you can see the finish line while coming up to the very last corner, your hands start to shake and your heart starts pounding and you're thinking "dear mother of god hold it together don't **** it up now!!!!"


Well-known member
Ohhh loneliness, how I hate you! Plus I wish I had more mobility in my left arm so I could reach back and massage my right shoulder blade. I usually need to massage it every night and I haven't been able to since April 27th, it's so sore!


Well-known member
I have an exam tomorrow and im soooooo nervous about it even though I know I shouldn't be. Maybe it has something to do with the pressure of it being the very last exam. It's like leading a Formula One race and you can see the finish line while coming up to the very last corner, your hands start to shake and your heart starts pounding and you're thinking "dear mother of god hold it together don't **** it up now!!!!"

Graduation is tomorrow. Thankfully there's only about 3 other students graduating.
Good luck to you both!


Well-known member
I saw my "new" sister-in-law (formerly known as my brother-in-law) yesterday. Yes, it was weird! I wasn't expecting fake boobs! :eek: At least now I have someone to give my hand-me-downs to. ::eek::