So - i have decided that for a week or so, I am going to behave like a complete jerk - as a social experiment. I am going to be rude, curt, boorish, arrogant, condescending, insensitive and inconsiderate - I should be getting laid daily if my calculations are correct and command respect from my fellow alpha males. This in itself is a douchebaggy thing to do so I am on a good start.
Only to people who dont know me of course.
Being an ******* - is being 'confident'
I dont think people are very good at telling the difference between being "confident" and being a doormat. I find it incredibly interesting that the moment you actually consider someones feelings that it is in someway viewed as being a "pushover" - you can see, you can so so see observable body language the exact MOMENT that they get turned off. I also dont understand why people LEAN more towards arrogance than lack of confidence as an attractive trait.
I cant help being polite to people, nor think about how they feel - does that make me someone who isnt confident? Maybe people should stop placing so much emphasis on such uncompromising ideals and actually for a change give people a chance and see what someone is actually like. I find it ridiculous that bastards and people that treat others like dirt get more admiration and respect than those who lack the tiniest bit of confidence and is sensitive to others. I really get fed up with people sometimes. There is a MASSIVE discrepancy between what people say they want, and what they actually admire - or at least they are not very good at differentiating between the two. There is a balance yes - but its not one that people seem to be very apt at identifying.
If people respond to being treated like garbage... which goes against every ounce of common sense I have, then why NOT treat people like garbage?
Even invisible man is saying act like a jerk - and gets a positive response.
I dont know - maybe I just got it wrong - i dont think I really know anything. I dont seek approval by being considerate, I do it because its who I am - the values that I hold dont seem to be important to anybody else out there. Isolating and making me feel more alone that I already do. Maybe I wont be a total jerk - but perhaps I will be someone who is a little bit more selfish and self serving than most. I will be short with people instead of patient. No more please and thank yous from me. Oh and lets not forget making snap judgements - thats always a winner.
Dear Kia, it's not that you're a pushover.
It's just how the people in the world operate and you have to learn how to deal with them. It's not a personal attack on you. I will never freaking understand this world, billions of us never will, but we do the same **** every day like a cycle just to get by and to deal with each other.
I wish societies learned how to accept people for who they are, but the reality is that they are not! There will always be politics. I wish the majority thought this way, but so many are scared to be this way because they think the world has to be tough love/discipline.
You are a wonderful person, so many people are, but it's just the way it is. I know people hate to hear that answer and may get mad when it's thrown out. It does not matter where you're from anymore, sure other people get it worse than others, but we have to deal with the majority view.
No matter how many people are against one thing. I know many people don't like superficiality but all this crap bombard us and people do anything not to be that guy sitting on the side lines. It's harder to find.
I do think people try to get over on nicer people. I know the mess people have tried with me they would have never tried with anyone else.
Okay, You have to be somewhat of a d*** SOMETIMES not all the time! I really don't know what you guys are seeing as a D-bag.
If you go around being disrespectful 100% or most of the time guess who it's going to bite in the a**? YOU. People are so cruel and you might be cruel to the wrong person and they might do something dangerous to you. Or you will hurt them the same way you were hurt.
It is sad we have to through loops and find out how to operate our selves. You people are amazing, I know that there are caring people out in the world. Sure people who care have to go through mess with people who want to run over them and not treat them right and feel like "UGH I'm just going to be an SUPER ULTRA B*** today because no one is respecting me." Yet it's just going to make people disrespect you more. Lose-Lose
Not many people see the damage that has been done to people, they look at their final action and give respect when people don't blow. No matter how many times that person has been mucked over. It may seem backwards to some.
I'm tired of trying to understand people. I say you be assertive and it's not because you're a push over, it's how things work, I don't understand either. The Earth is messed up, so many things about it is. You have to fight to get your way sometimes. It seems to be that way in many places.