Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Dreams wait just out of sight, if you turn too fast and try too hard old them, they will be gone. Best to let a dream embrace you unexpectedly.

Hmm I like that. It's hard to make sense of 'unexpectedly', but I have a feeling it makes a lot of sense.


Well-known member
I was making coconut carob popsicles and I went to put them in the freezer and I dropped them all over my treadmill... T_T Awww. Aww my random thought does not compare in epicness to Kiwong haha


Well-known member
Feeling pretty down and pointless again. There's lots of things in theory I say I'd like to do, for example get fit, write a book, learn another language. But I can just never be bothered and I just end up playing stupid computer games or something instead. Bleh.


Well-known member
Feeling pretty down and pointless again. There's lots of things in theory I say I'd like to do, for example get fit, write a book, learn another language. But I can just never be bothered and I just end up playing stupid computer games or something instead. Bleh.
Procrastination. I can totally relate. Maybe you need to just give the computer up, just for one day, and go out and do something else. I may need to do the same thing.


Well-known member
I was on a bus full of girls; quite literally, I was the only boy on there, for a while. Normally, one would find this to be some sort of blessing, correct? This Deadman, however, considered it a curse::(:. I don't hate women, that isn't what I mean, it's just that I'm deathly afraid of them (for some reason or another). I love them, yet I fear them. Only in my world does that make sense::p:! I've got a bad relationship with the female populus. Things need to change and that's why I need to get to the bottom of this fear of girls.


I think a girl may have flirted with me today... but I am not quite sure. I am wondering whether or not I should do something about it. She was probably just being nice.... she was cute tho. Ahh who am I kidding..


Well-known member
Hmm I like that. It's hard to make sense of 'unexpectedly', but I have a feeling it makes a lot of sense.

Thanks Escape Artist, let me see if I can explain. When dreams come true for me, it has been when I opened myself to positive experience, following hard work and by challenging myself (running). When I achieve a good result, sometimes the happiness just wells up into me unexpectedly. These moments are fleeting, and if I focus too much on what I am feeling I loose the dream sensation, like trying to grasp smoke.


Well-known member
I think a girl may have flirted with me today... but I am not quite sure. I am wondering whether or not I should do something about it. She was probably just being nice.... she was cute tho. Ahh who am I kidding..
DUDE! Can you see her again? I hope she was flirting with you! You're a rad guy and good-looking to boot so she probably was. :D


DUDE! Can you see her again? I hope she was flirting with you! You're a rad guy and good-looking to boot so she probably was. :D

Oh stop it.... Well it was at a cafe while ordering lunch. I guess I could go back. Watch as Shykiwi slowly makes this whole experience uncomfortable and awkward...cringe as he tries to flirt with a girl...feel the shame when he is inevitably shot down for misinterpreting customer service for flirtation.

yeah... I dont know maybe. Nothing ventured nothing gained..


Well-known member
Mate, I sincerely mean that when I tell you you're good-looking, and she even may have been flirting. Who knows! Go back to that cafe tomorrow or something and see what happens. :)
I finally just realized why they call intentional hidden secrets in games/movies/shows ''easter eggs''.

Because Easter Eggs are hidden, and so are the secrets. Took me 4 years.

..This is not a proud moment for me. Lmao. Oh dear god. :X
I shouldn't look at ThinkGeek. It's robbing me off money I don't even have yet.

How I love Portal merchandise. :X


The Sentry Turret is already worth buying purely for the box alone (it's the one from the actual game). <3


not actually Fiona Apple
My dreams have been waking me up in the middle of the night a lot lately. They haven't been nightmares or anything, just normal dreams that wake me up. I few have been vivid, and caused me to go onto my laptop after waking to make sure they are in fact a dream. I know they are, but the possibility of it being real makes it impossible to sleep after ::p: