I feel like I've been lied to. Someone on here told my that Skyrim was about playing basketball in the air. I saw a commercial for it today, and there is no basketball involved. So what is it REALLY about?
I feel like I've been lied to. Someone on here told my that Skyrim was about playing basketball in the air. I saw a commercial for it today, and there is no basketball involved. So what is it REALLY about?
Dragons + Warriors + Mystic Adventure x Awesome + Romance = Skyrim
Say thank you, superfluouslyme.
Thank you, superfluouslyme. ::
You're just a regular wise guy, huh? Well, we sleep in the same bed, so I'll get you soon honey
. Better learn how to sleep with both eyes open.
I don't sleep in a bed. I hang from the rafters.
.....Too easy.
Well, can you sleep with both eyes open and see something?
Ohhh, god. Panel interviews are the worst. Horrid, horrid torture. I feel you. :I have to apply for a position at work. I hate this, I hate having to sell myself as I have such a low opinion of my abilities. I hate the waste of time it takes to do the resume, application, cover letter and crap. I hate the prospect of a panel interview, of wondering what to wear, of wearing it
I have to apply for a position at work. I hate this, I hate having to sell myself as I have such a low opinion of my abilities. I hate the waste of time it takes to do the resume, application, cover letter and crap. I hate the prospect of a panel interview, of wondering what to wear, of wearing it
Ohhh, god. Panel interviews are the worst. Horrid, horrid torture. I feel you. ::
The words you say never seem to live up to the ones inside your head.
I feel like I've been lied to. Someone on here told my that Skyrim was about playing basketball in the air. I saw a commercial for it today, and there is no basketball involved. So what is it REALLY about?