Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


not actually Fiona Apple
Did you shake her hand?

Yes, I was planning on just waving but she stuck her hand out and I couldn't leave her hanging. Seriously, it was so soft. Like, so soft I'm going to start comparing soft things to it to talk about how soft they are.
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Well-known member
Yes, I was planning on just waving but she stuck her hand out and I couldn't leave her hanging. Seriously, it was so soft. Like, so soft I'm going to start comparing soft things to it to talk about how sort they are.

Yeah that is how women are built. Skin is actually softer than males and such because of estrogen etc. She probably uses lotion and stuff tho too. :D

I don't get close to people often but when its someone I like do I notice things like how they smell and their warmth. Most of my human contact is people crashing into me by accident so usually don't notice any of that. ::p:


Well-known member
Yeah that is how women are built. Skin is actually softer than males and such because of estrogen etc. She probably uses lotion and stuff tho too. :D

I don't get close to people often but when its someone I like do I notice things like how they smell and their warmth. Most of my human contact is people crashing into me by accident so usually don't notice any of that. ::p:

So, umm..... Pookah. Can I, you know, shake your hand or, you know, hug..... you......::eek::? Please;)? It's only for scientific reasons, I promise!


not actually Fiona Apple
Yeah that is how women are built. Skin is actually softer than males and such because of estrogen etc. She probably uses lotion and stuff tho too. :D

I don't get close to people often but when its someone I like do I notice things like how they smell and their warmth. Most of my human contact is people crashing into me by accident so usually don't notice any of that. ::p:

Another thing to add to girls lists of awesomeness, naturally soft skin. If this keeps up I may need to open another brain to keep store all this information in.

And I'm sure you've figured out by now that it's no coincidence that people crash into you often, it's hard to pay attention to where your walking when you're staring ;) No one ever crashes into me, but I tend to crash into a lot of walls...


Well-known member
So, umm..... Pookah. Can I, you know, shake your hand or, you know, hug..... you......::eek::? Please;)? It's only for scientific reasons, I promise!

Haha sure, I don't know how soft my hands are anymore tho with the work I do in warehouse especially with the cold. Lotion all the time!!

Another thing to add to girls lists of awesomeness, naturally soft skin. If this keeps up I may need to open another brain to keep store all this information in.

And I'm sure you've figured out by now that it's no coincidence that people crash into you often, it's hard to pay attention to where your walking when you're staring ;) No one ever crashes into me, but I tend to crash into a lot of walls...

*crashes into VJ on purpose, both go down in tangle of limbs* ::p:


Well-known member
Haha sure, I don't know how soft my hands are anymore tho with the work I do in warehouse especially with the cold. Lotion all the time!!

It's okay Pookah! I wouldn't mind holding hands with such a pretty young lady:)! Besides, I wouldn't mind warming your hands up with mine;)!


not actually Fiona Apple
*crashes into VJ on purpose, both go down in tangle of limbs* ::p:

Oh no, I've crashed into things so many times in the past that now I while I stumble I never actually fall. ::p:

*extends hand to help the fallen Pookah, feels softness of hands :D*


Well-known member
I have to attend a seminar on Tuesday and I'm stressed out already,I've seen who will be there and everyone is so ridiculously attractive,I'm afraid I'll start comparing myself to them and feel like feces..


Well-known member
Time seems to be going by so fast tonight. I'm trying to get my work done, but gah, I just want to read more of Prozac Nation and highlight the things I relate to, then journal my own thoughts.


Well-known member
Tonight has been a very interesting night so far.

Went to a local concert for a friend of a friend's band. Almost didn't go because I wasn't in the mood to put up with people. Got there and there was hardly much of a crowd. Ha! XD Shame though, because holy crap was I impressed. Very nice! :D Wish I had money on me to purchase a poster and a t-shirt or something just to support them and whatnot. They're fantastic. Hope they make it big someday.

Also got a really weird random text message from a guy I don't know, but apparently knows me? :confused: Gotta say it freaked me out, the text he sent me sounded quite shallow, and I'm still scared about it. I'll try and push it to the back of my mind though. I don't want it to ruin my night since two friends are coming over. Haven't seen them in a few weeks. :)


Well-known member
Another thing to add to girls lists of awesomeness, naturally soft skin. If this keeps up I may need to open another brain to keep store all this information in.
Yeah, girls' skin is always soft. Love it. :)

Went to a local concert for a friend of a friend's band. Almost didn't go because I wasn't in the mood to put up with people. Got there and there was hardly much of a crowd. Ha! XD Shame though, because holy crap was I impressed. Very nice! :D Wish I had money on me to purchase a poster and a t-shirt or something just to support them and whatnot. They're fantastic. Hope they make it big someday.
I'm glad you still had fun, though, even if you weren't in the mood for people. What was the band? Maybe I can YouTube them.

Also got a really weird random text message from a guy I don't know, but apparently knows me? :confused: Gotta say it freaked me out, the text he sent me sounded quite shallow, and I'm still scared about it. I'll try and push it to the back of my mind though.
Yeah, this has happened to me before, too. Last time it happened the texter claimed she was a girl in Sydney who I had given my number to (I would never do that) and she sent a picture of "her" boobs. I was very certain someone was messing with me.

In your case, if you're too freaked out by the text, just ignore it. Hopefully it was a one-off mistake.


not actually Fiona Apple
Someone just commented that one of my youtube videos has no dislikes.

I expect about 7 dislikes in the next hour.