Oh my god, if my body keeps this nonsense up I'm going to have to call out sick tomorrow....... I'm just a poor college student, I can't afford to...... :
Oh my god, if my body keeps this nonsense up I'm going to have to call out sick tomorrow....... I'm just a poor college student, I can't afford to...... ::
Aussie footballers are idiots, which may be a generalisation, but generally they are. The prove this on their end of season tours where they all get drunk and go around in a mob being obnoxious.
Its amazing how much we all think alike.
Do you mean people in general or people here in SPW?
Here on the forum. Sometimes seeing other peoples thoughts sounding exactly like mine is freaky lol. Its like someones reading my mind or something >.>
Just finished watching one of the most f***** up movies I've ever seen - The Girl Next Door. I'm still crying... People are just so f****** sick.
Because you have five visitors from Hogwarts somewhere in the house?
I need a trombone. I really miss playing![]()
I'll assume its this one
The Girl Next Door (2007) - IMDb
not this one
The Girl Next Door (2004) - IMDb
I'm assuming that you are talking about the 2007 movie and not the atrocious romantic comedy from 2004.
You know that it's based on a true story, and the real story is even more f***ed up than the one in the movie.
Edit: Phocas beat me to itLOL
Yes, the 2007 one ::
How could it possibly get more ****ed up than that?? Getting your womanhood blowtorched is beyond f***** up as it is. How could anyone do such a thing?? I just can't understand that. I was practically throwing curses at that woman and her kids throughout the entire movie.
What disgusted me the most was how those girls were there to witness all of that being done to a fellow girl while sipping beer along with the other little low lives. God just thinking about it makes me so f****** angry and disgusted. I wish I could go back in time just to torture that woman and all those kids like they did to that girl and her sister and then slowly but brutally kill them one by one while making them all watch the bloody massacre![]()
Sometimes reality is so gruesome that they actually have to tone it down in movies. Stuff like this is why I'm losing my faith in humanity. It is sick, it is depraved, it is beyond comprehension, but unfortunately it''s real. Stuff like this happens. It is a very powerful and shocking movie indeed, but it is an important movie because by showing what kind of f***ed up stuff people are capable of can help us prevent anything like that from happening again. Most people live in ignorance of s**t like this, that's why it's important to tell these stories. Humans are capable of evil far beyond what we see in movies unfortunately.
I guess I wont be watching that movie.
I guess I wont be watching that movie.
You should actually. It's an excellent and powerful movie, it's just disturbing for obvious reasons. What makes it the most disturbing is that even though they don't really show much detail of what's happening, you know what they're doing to the girl. It's just so sad and messed up and it gets you riled up. Maybe this genre just isn't for you but I do recommend watching it. It is a good movie, just really aggravating and the ending really delivers a powerful blow to your heart.
I just read the details on Wikipedia.:: Makes your skin crawl.
An unfortunate example of a true Psychopath at work.![]()
Gosh Sassy, you're so photogenic. Terrific points about facing fears, so hard to do but essential to scare away the dragons. Btw, your webcam is only black and white![]()
Very well said. I have little to almost no faith in humanity as well. I've seen movies much more demented than this one, but no matter how many atrocities I witness I still keep asking myself the same question. I just can't understand it. Hell, I treat my pets better than I do people sometimes. How anyone could do that to another person is just beyond me. It's sad, it's f***** up, but it is indeed reality unfortunately.