Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I have been terribly wronged for years. I want to hurt those who once deliberately put me down to contribute to their own self worth.
Obviously those bigger than skinny are ridiculed and mocked, it's gone on for decades since the 1960s or 70s, but I hate that it's undervalued as a serious issue. It *could* potentially become a very serious issue.In my opinion, it already is. Nobody seems to agree though. Perhaps because they can't fully empathise.
I know most won't agree anyway, but have you ever been insulted because of your body shape or size? I have. Since I was nine of ten. It's not reach a boiling point of oppression that sexism or racism has, I recognise it takes time too. As does a revolution, but I ****ing hate that it's not valued as much as other 'isms' are. Does it take another holocaust for people to get the message?
I've suffered for years. My grandmother, who frequently tells me I used to be a fat child. My mother, who stares at me when I go out in a skirt or (I think it's more the protective side though, she thinks I'm a whore.) Kids on the street when I'm trying to peacefully walk to and from school, kids at school (like yesterday) girls in my class whose intention was benevolent. Girls in my year or class whose intention was malevolent. Being told I have a beautiful face constantly, my body being purposefully ignored. 'Shame about the body' I guess they're thinking. People who stare at me when I'm walking down the street (like my legs, my arms, my hips, etc. (although I recognise this is a form of paranoia evolved from my constant self consciousness and fear. Human beings are always going to look.)

Try not to be bitter and angry because of how others have treated you. It can be difficult to not be vindictive, but you're much better off not wasting any more thoughts or emotions on them. You think it's bad not being thin? Try walking around with a scowl and a nasty attitude. ;)

And there's nothing wrong with a little extra padding. It makes you cuddlier than your scrawnier counterparts. It keeps you warmer on those cold winter nights. And heavier girls tend to have bigger, um, eyes. And that's not such a bad thing.



Well-known member
Ugh..... Nobody really knows what is healthy to eat and what isn't. Some people say "Eat whole grains!" Others say "Avoid grains completely!" Some say, "Eat low-fat dairy!" Others say "Low-fat dairy is more processed, eat full-fat dairy!"

How the @#$% is one supposed to know what to put in his or her body? :confused:

Screw it. Eat some fruits, eat some vegetables, eat a slice of wheat bread, eat a fish filet. And stop worrying about how it was made. That's the only answer I see right now.

According to my endocrinologist whom i see for insulin resistance... the best diet is simply a balanced one.

for dairy i do the stuff made with non fat milk bc my tummy can't handle the other stuff.

you're pretty much damned if you do and damned if you don't so let's all eat cake:D


Well-known member
Ugh..... Nobody really knows what is healthy to eat and what isn't. Some people say "Eat whole grains!" Others say "Avoid grains completely!" Some say, "Eat low-fat dairy!" Others say "Low-fat dairy is more processed, eat full-fat dairy!"

How the @#$% is one supposed to know what to put in his or her body? :confused:

Screw it. Eat some fruits, eat some vegetables, eat a slice of wheat bread, eat a fish filet. And stop worrying about how it was made. That's the only answer I see right now.
^ I just say go organic with most of what you eat. Avoid as many preservatives you can, avoid corn syrup (it's the devil!), avoid your hydrogenated oils, and watch your added sugars.

I don't really see too much wrong with whole grains and dairy. If you can tolerate them, go ahead and eat them. If you experience any negative reactions though, I would reduce how much you eat or just take it out completely.

That's just how I look at things anyway. I eat very few grains and hardly any dairy, but that's because I'm allergic to a lot of those foods. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables though. And a lot of vegan substitutes (soy milk, etc.).


Well-known member
Why do I develop emotional attachments to people to easy.
Then I get paranoid and think they aren't talking to me.
Then I get more paranoid thinking I did something wrong.
Then I feel like a complete fool for thinking anything could happen.
Then I remember I'm married and I feel like a total sh*t.

stop reading my mind. seriously. i'm the same way.


Well-known member
i resent that comment about not being attractive if you're fat.

seriously. there are tons of girls and women with a waist bigger than 25" and they are absolutely gorgeous creatures.

my waist is bigger than 25". You are NOT ugly and neither am i. and *gasp* amazing...we aren't teeny stick figures.

As far as your ideas being unoriginal, do you steal ideas from others?? if you don't...then your ideas are original bc you didn't take it from someone else.

Do think this person is ugly?? She isn't by the definition of your stick figure schoolmates she would be considered ugly right?? *sigh* i'm so sick of young girls defining themselves by the opinion of their peers and how big or small their a$$ is.

Feels like i need to get out of this prison, at the other side of the bars people are looking at me with an evil victory smile. I feel weak, i want to break out but i don't have the energy. Then a voice whispers me that i need to rest and that my time will come.... but not now.


Well-known member
Video chat is weird. I'm not sure what to think about it. :confused:

I guess I kinda enjoy it??? It's still hard as hell to do though.


Sorry this is like my fourth post in this thread today I think, lol. But I kind of want to see that movie Circumstance. It's about two Iranian lesbians and how they have to keep their love a secret. Eheh :D I think it looks pretty good.


Im pretty sure Im going to get burned for saying this, but I gotta get something off my chest. Ladies, y'all are way too picky when it comes to choosing a lover. Im not talking about anyone here, or calling a person out. Im talking about the whole gender. That is all

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Im pretty sure Im going to get burned for saying this, but I gotta get something off my chest. Ladies, y'all are way too picky when it comes to choosing a lover. Im not talking about anyone here, or calling a person out. Im talking about the whole gender. That is all

In what way are they too picky? I'm not having a go at you, but I'm genuinely interested in why you think that. Personally I don't think girls are any pickier than guys.


In what way are they too picky? I'm not having a go at you, but I'm genuinely interested in why you think that. Personally I don't think girls are any pickier than guys.

Its cool. Im glad that we can talk peacefully about this. When a guy can have a whole lot to offer and the girl doesnt have a damn thing good going for her yet she turns you down because of one little part of your personality that doesn't fit the image of what her perfect guy should be. I say beggars cant be choosers but thats me.


Well-known member
Its cool. Im glad that we can talk peacefully about this. When a guy can have a whole lot to offer and the girl doesnt have a damn thing good going for her yet she turns you down because of one little part of your personality that doesn't fit the image of what her perfect guy should be. I say beggars cant be choosers but thats me.

i'm wondering if this is because many of us were taught such high standards as young girls...we had to listen to stories of fairy princesses and prince charmings for most of our impressionable years thus making us seek out that perfect lover,perfect partner.

even if you're the most realistic female on the planet, you probably still have that teeny part in the back of your mind that makes you feel like there is a prince charming out there for you and it tells you not to accept anything less than idealic and fairytale like...

this is of course just my opinion as a female and obviously doesn't apply to all females.


I have the opposite view pips, many women aren't picky enough. I often wonder what they see in their ape boyfriends or husbands.

I guess its a matter of perspective. I wont lie and say Im not a little biased being a male that is.

i'm wondering if this is because many of us were taught such high standards as young girls...we had to listen to stories of fairy princesses and prince charmings for most of our impressionable years thus making us seek out that perfect lover,perfect partner.

even if you're the most realistic female on the planet, you probably still have that teeny part in the back of your mind that makes you feel like there is a prince charming out there for you and it tells you not to accept anything less than idealic and fairytale like...

this is of course just my opinion as a female and obviously doesn't apply to all females.

When I used to go to church way back in the day, the thing that amazed me about the congregation was that there were always more devoted women than men. There were so many older wives there that wanted us to pray for their backslidden or atheist husbands. I always wondered if God had a stronger connection to them or something. Then I started to hear confessions about people sexual fantasies about Jesus and it dawned on me. They loved him because he was the perfect guy. Strong yet gentle. Compassionate. A natural leader. Loved people for who they were and always forgiving, even to those wanting him dead. I was so jealous of Jesus because I knew I couldnt live up to that standard of the perfect man. I couldnt be all that and not make one mistake. Not sure why Im bringing this up, but you mentioning the fairy tales made me have flashbacks >.<