Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
i feel invigorated... i think.

finaly rang a number that has been near my phone for a while. looks like im joining a local basketball team. yay some exercise and a schedule to leave the house.
i feel invigorated... i think.

finaly rang a number that has been near my phone for a while. looks like im joining a local basketball team. yay some exercise and a schedule to leave the house.

Congrats A86!:)
I wish I had the guts to do something like that!


Why on earth does it matter? It.... doesn't? Who ARE these people? And the whole thing is just creepy, if you look at the facts of it. It kind of makes me ill thinking about it.....


Also, I've stayed up too late talking to people. Oooooops, work tomorrow!

Good thing I'm tired, no need for melatonin sup tonight. I don't trust that crap.


Well-known member
Got a lot on my mind right now, even though I'm supposed to be studying. I hate how one minute you can be real close to someone, and then not be talking the next. Seems like the story of my life, and I hate it. I wish I knew what it was that drives everyone away from me, but it's like no one ever tells me. It's like they're afraid it'll hurt my feelings, even though they've already hurt me by drifting away in the first place.

-sigh- It's all so sad. :s


Its a beautiful day today. Not too hot or too cold. I have to do homework but I got my window open and letting all that happiness, sunshine and music flood my room. x=(-b+/-sqrt(b^2-4ac))
I've started watching the new My Little Pony.

..And I liked it. A lot. :I

Well, excuse me while I wave off my last bit of masculinity. :3
Its a beautiful day today. Not too hot or too cold. I have to do homework but I got my window open and letting all that happiness, sunshine and music flood my room. x=(-b+/-sqrt(b^2-4ac))

Ah, quadratic equations. I'm almost positive I'll be repeating that equation over and over on my death bed. It's so ingrained in my head. (And you forgot to put it all over 2a.)


Well-known member
My brother and cousin are going to South Jersey this week.

Sucks I can't even go. >.> Ah well. Hopefully I can see a friend this week that I haven't seen in a while.


Well-known member
It's on Netflix!?

Exactly my thinking! muhahaha! <3
Canadian Region Netflix-- not sure about if it's anywhere else, though.
That's like... hundreds of hours of warrior princess awesomeness! XD
Lucy is my hero forever.
I just told my boyfriend I wasn't going to be around for a while. I just can't stand his CONSTANT aggressive pessimism anymore. He shouts, barely listens and declines all advice you give him.

I'm just done for the time being.. Just done.


Well-known member
I just told my boyfriend I wasn't going to be around for a while. I just can't stand his CONSTANT aggressive pessimism anymore. He shouts, barely listens and declines all advice you give him.

I'm just done for the time being.. Just done.

GOOD FOR YOU! It's become a toxic ONE-SIDED relationship. Time off away to think things and - if that does nothing for him or you still feel the same way after a while point; time to hitch the train and go off to better pastures. A puma needs his room to roam! ::p: