Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Mine is a weird (still cool) family. Okay, so it's Friday night. My sister's somewhere partying (normal). I'm here on SPW and my parents are downstairs. He is playing The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and she is playing Mrs.Pacman :confused:

Haha I love them :)
^ I miss it when my parents played video games. Back when I was little I would either be in my room drawing, coloring, whatever, and my dad would be in the living room playing Legend Of Zelda or Super Mario Bros. on the NES. And my mom would either be watching... Or playing with my brother's Gameboy, haha. :D Wish they would still follow up with video games. It was fun growing up and watching them play.


Well-known member
Aw~ my dad used to play videogames with me all the time.

A few years ago... or... I guess it was 7 or 8 years ago now... he got into an accident at work and broke all of his fingers; cut a couple off and messed up the nerves in his hands all the way up to his elbows.
He does his own physio therapy at home; playing his guitars - but he won't ever have the co-ordination again, to be able to play videogames.

Mom was never much of a gamer.
She does like watching me play Enslaved, though.... says it's like watching a movie. haha
(psst! play Enslaved!)


Well-known member
^ I miss it when my parents played video games. Back when I was little I would either be in my room drawing, coloring, whatever, and my dad would be in the living room playing Legend Of Zelda or Super Mario Bros. on the NES. And my mom would either be watching... Or playing with my brother's Gameboy, haha. :D Wish they would still follow up with video games. It was fun growing up and watching them play.
Probably if it wasn't for me there would be no videogames in this house. And since we bought the second wiimote it's being even better... hours playing mario kart, it's so funny XD

^There are games that you can't play alone because they are boring, but they are the best thing to have when you have others ^^

I'm sure that if you show them some good videogames they will play again with you :)


Well-known member
Aw~ my dad used to play videogames with me all the time.

A few years ago... or... I guess it was 7 or 8 years ago now... he got into an accident at work and broke all of his fingers; cut a couple off and messed up the nerves in his hands all the way up to his elbows.
He does his own physio therapy at home; playing his guitars - but he won't ever have the co-ordination again, to be able to play videogames.

Mom was never much of a gamer.
She does like watching me play Enslaved, though.... says it's like watching a movie. haha
(psst! play Enslaved!)
Sorry to hear about your father ::(:
It's good to hear that he can still play guitar, though. Even if it's not the same it always can be worse, I guess.

Anyway... stop talking about Enslaved!! Everytime you say it I think "oh, let's see how it is.... hmmm seems like a great game... oh wait, only for ps3 and xbox360"... and I can't have it! T__T

PS: my parents like to watch me play too, I dont understand it XD


Anyway... stop talking about Enslaved!! Everytime you say it I think "oh, let's see how it is.... hmmm seems like a great game... oh wait, only for ps3 and xbox360"... and I can't have it! T__T

PS: my parents like to watch me play too, I dont understand it XD

No one in my family has any interest in watching me play, except my niece and nephew, but they try their best to drive me crazy during it. Asking me silly questions like why optimus prime and megatron cant be friends. Then it turned into questions about if I've ever kissed a girl, seen two girls kiss or if I've ever kissed a bear.


Well-known member
No one in my family has any interest in watching me play, except my niece and nephew, but they try their best to drive me crazy during it. Asking me silly questions like why optimus prime and megatron cant be friends. Then it turned into questions about if I've ever kissed a girl, seen two girls kiss or if I've ever kissed a bear.

Optimus Prime can't be friends with Megatron because when they were just little, Prime kept asking Megatron all sorts of stupid questions about kissing when he was trying to enjoy his videogame and he got fed up and decided he'd just kill everything so that there's no more anything left to kiss! :D

Ohhhhh... children. -___-'


Well-known member
No one in my family has any interest in watching me play, except my niece and nephew, but they try their best to drive me crazy during it. Asking me silly questions like why optimus prime and megatron cant be friends.
This. Is. Epic XD
Everytime I play a soccer videogame or I watch a match on TV (now it's quite rare) my mother or my sister says why they don't have more balls so they don't have to "fight" for it XD

Then it turned into questions about if I've ever kissed a girl
Yeah, those things usually end up with something like that >.<
seen two girls kiss
Emmm maybe they never asked me that o.0
or if I've ever kissed a bear.
Okay, it's the first time I hear that XD


Optimus Prime can't be friends with Megatron because when they were just little, Prime kept asking Megatron all sorts of stupid questions about kissing when he was trying to enjoy his videogame and he got fed up and decided he'd just kill everything so that there's no more anything left to kiss! :D

Ohhhhh... children. -___-'

LOL this is what I shouldve said

This. Is. Epic XD
Everytime I play a soccer videogame or I watch a match on TV (now it's quite rare) my mother or my sister says why they don't have more balls so they don't have to "fight" for it XD
I wouldnt even be sure how to respond to that. Except maybe "are you serious?" :D


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
This. Is. Epic XD
Everytime I play a soccer videogame or I watch a match on TV (now it's quite rare) my mother or my sister says why they don't have more balls so they don't have to "fight" for it XD
Tell her they're fighting for it to prove they have more balls. ::p:


not actually Fiona Apple
I just watched Super, Ellen Page is officially on my "people who are totally awesome" list. :D (I watched it a few hours ago and am still giggling a bit ::p:)


Well-known member
I just watched Super, Ellen Page is officially on my "people who are totally awesome" list. :D (I watched it a few hours ago and am still giggling a bit ::p:)
^ Ellen Page is full of awesome. And she's short, just like me. :D Seriously, one of the reasons I admire her so is because of her height, haha. And she's a terrific actress.


Well-known member
I'm really annoyed with the humidity here right now. It's not hot out, but it's humid a bit. Whenever there's humidity, the ends of my hair turn to like waves, and I have to keep straightening it every chance I get. Makes me regret getting a perm even more way back in August 2009.
This group that I hang out with in school invitated me to a picnic tomorrow but as usual I'm too afraid to go. Its the fourth time I'm refusing to go anywhere with them,they must think that I'm not interested while that's not the case at all.


Well-known member
No. Thanks for making me Google her name. :)

