The working cat we adopted on Saturday has been settling in the shop well. I'm still getting used to her personality and figuring out her quirks. I feel bad how overlooked she was at the shelter. I can tell she didn't get that much attention because now that's all she wants, but she gets overstimulated very easily, so when she's begging for attention and wants all the pets, she's quick to then cuff you and hiss. She did bite me today too, wasn't hard enough to break skin, but enough to say, "Hey I really love these pets, but I can't handle all this stimulation!"
I was brushing her earlier today too since she really needed it. She's a really heavy girl (almost 14 lbs.) and doesn't/can't clean herself because she's such a chunk, plus she has medium length fur, so she needs a good brushing once in a while. She loves being brushed, but I took advantage of it too much and got her way too over-stimulated to the point where she jumped up and hissed at me, then proceeded to back up and growl at me, so I backed off and left. I hate that we have to keep her inside the shop for the next 4 weeks, but I know it's for the best so she can get used to her surroundings so once she is outside, she won't lose her way and she'll stay close. I took some of my indoor kitty's old toys and gave them to her to help with any boredom and/or stimulation while she's in there.