in a VAN down by the RIVER
I have the worst sleeping "routine" on the planet earth.
I'm sure I've complained about this before, eons ago, but every summer I dread the inevitable self-consciousness I feel, and comments I receive, about how pale I am. I'm VERY fair-skinned, I don't "tan" at all, and I wouldn't considering how unhealthy it is and that melanoma runs in my family (my 27-year-old cousin just died from it).
Every year I try to not give a f*** and go to the beach in a bikini anyway and wear dresses/shorts, but the comments inevitably come: "you need some sun" "you're SO pale" "why are you so pale?" This is the way I look, and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't understand why I have to be shamed for it.
You should not be shamed for it!, sadly many people seem to lack the compassion gene and will not care what effect the comments they make to other people will have on the persons self-esteem.I'm sure I've complained about this before, eons ago, but every summer I dread the inevitable self-consciousness I feel, and comments I receive, about how pale I am. I'm VERY fair-skinned, I don't "tan" at all, and I wouldn't considering how unhealthy it is and that melanoma runs in my family (my 27-year-old cousin just died from it).
Every year I try to not give a f*** and go to the beach in a bikini anyway and wear dresses/shorts, but the comments inevitably come: "you need some sun" "you're SO pale" "why are you so pale?" This is the way I look, and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't understand why I have to be shamed for it.
My hair is thinned, my hair comes out, my beard hairs fall out, I'm sore all the time, I hurt, I'm tired all the time, I can't concentrate, I can't do the things I want to do. All this depression and anxiety has gone too far. Too many years of too much stress, anxiety, depression, worry, fear. I didn't mean for this too happen. But back then I didn't know you could do this to yourself. I just believed I deserved to be miserable...
The background music makes it so much better to me
I do that too! @imagine I am someone else. Sadly as you said, it only works for a short period of time, that is the case for me too.I find the best quick-fix when going out is to simply pretend I'm someone else. It doesn't work for extended periods, but as far as running to the store or something like that, it does quite well.
The trick is picking someone I'm physically similar to, but who doesn't have social phobia. It wouldn't work if I walked around thinking I was Zach Effron, there's nothing there to relate to; but I CAN pretend I'm someone like Zach Galifianakis or UFC fighter Roy Nelson.
If they're okay with themselves, then why can't I be... at least for an hour.
^ Did anyone else actually sing that post in Barry Gibbs high singing voice while reading it? >.>Uh oh uh oh, i'm stayin alive, stayin alive
I'm going nowhere, somebody help me, somebody help me get there
Whilst stayin aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive
No fear, i'll have somebody to help me get nowhere
Somebody to help me with stayin aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive
:alone: :brindis:
^ Sadly that leaves..... "Same old, same old""Now or never," she told me. "You can do anything."
Yeah, well now ain't gonna happen, is it?
So what's that leave?
Only for people like us, there is NO top of the mountain.
Just never-ending climbing....