Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Let's listen to Mark Watney, one problem at a time and if we solve enough problems maybe we get to go home alive


I've been far away from home for a while. Couple days ago I re-watched The Martian for the first time since right after leaving home. While watching it hit so close to home. I literally realized, "I AM MARK WATNEY." Solve enough problems that you get to go home? Oh, SNAP that hit me so hard.

And here is another person who's thinking something similar!

It's surreal or something. Thanks for posting that.


Well-known member
It's been a long time since I last posted here. I just really want to get this off my chest. For some reason my anxiety is extreme today that I have to call sick to work. What triggered it is that I have to work with this colleague whom I'm not really comfortable with. But I'll be working with her on Friday, not today. But because I've been so worried about it, it's affecting my sleep and my energy. Now I'm worried because I couldnt find any excuse not to work on Friday since I already called sick today.

I think I'll be having my period soon and this is messing up my emotions and hormones. My hands are a bit shaky now while typing this. I didn't drink caffeine or anything so it's just really my anxiety working.


Well-known member
It occurred to me tonight that I'm slowly killing myself. This isn't the first time I've had this thought, but for some reason, tonight it really hit home. Why do I keep making the same bad choices, and how long am I going to keep it up? Is there still time to turn things around, or is the damage I've done so great that I might as well just follow this path to its inevitable end? What happened to the restraint I used to have, the iron determination? What happened to self-respect? Cheerful thoughts for a hot summer night. I wish I had someone I could talk to about these things. :sad:
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Well-known member
I wish society didnt force socializing all the time. Classes start Monday and I got an email from a professor saying we had to meet and greet the new students. Why?? I dont plan on being their buddy afterwards so I dont understand why Im being forced into this. When the seniors greeted us they had to stand in front of the class, introduce themselves and give sound advice on how to make it through the course. But that crap should be voluntary...


Well-known member
Watching Shirobako. It's about a group of people whose dream is to get involved in the anime industry. We kind of see them learning what the actual work is like and learning what they actually want to do in life and struggling with initial failures and that kind of thing.

The show definitely has a lot of applicability for me. I really relate to the main character who doesn't know specifically what her dream even is. I myself have no clue what I want to do. I'm just out of college working at a tech related place. This is so not where I want to be but I honestly don't know what else to do. Another girl knows that she wants to be involved in the actual animation but struggles with getting better and fears that initial failures will close the possibility of future advancement. Snap, I deal with so much of that at work. Every time I fail I catastrophize that now I won't be given any real responsibilities. Another character is an older guy who has fallen from glory after one big failure. I'm not old enough for that to have happened to me but it's still very topical.

I love it when a song, movie, book, game, show, or whatever speaks to you right where you are.

Edit: More on that older guy. He keeps doubting what he's made and critiquing it, trying to figure out what's the problem and what he really wants. Initially his criticism is of the "too many notes" variety. He just can't figure out what he really wants. But when they talk things through he starts to figure it out as they go and flies into a passion. It's great. It's about continual re-discovery of what you want.
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My sister's friends came over today to celebrate her bday, i thought i'd be prepared to go trhough this but i feel like shit, they talk they laugh and i cant just be like them.


Well-known member
I seem to have lost the ability talk when I'm at home, not that I was the most talkative but last five years or so, I've become more introverted with my irritiability and anxiety levels notched up and I can't seem to open my mouth to engage in conversation..

I'm not adjusting to married life and frankly, kinda wish I was single then the rest of the pressure wouldn't be around..


Well-known member
Feelin like I am teetering on the edge of sanity lately. I do not like this place. What do they say, if you think you are going insane it means you are actually Ok because you are noticing it or whatever?
I am just so tired of the lies it takes to be in this society. It is far too exhausting. Not worth the effort.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Feelin like I am teetering on the edge of sanity lately. I do not like this place. What do they say, if you think you are going insane it means you are actually Ok because you are noticing it or whatever?

Aye, same here. Though, I'm wrong in the heid. So... I might not the best person to answer yer question there.

I am just so tired of the lies it takes to be in this society. It is far too exhausting. Not worth the effort.

Can definitely relate there, Molly. It is, indeed, exhausting. But ah gave up makin' the effort long ago. To me, it seems being in this society nowadays require you tolerate and go along with a lotta BS, unquestionably. Safe spaces, trigger-warnings, gender politics... :kickingmyself:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
What d'ye do when a family member openly acknowledges they've got a problem, but they're refusing to get help for it? Because they view your concerned criticism of their behaviour as "picking on them".


You want to know how I got these scars?
What d'ye do when a family member openly acknowledges they've got a problem, but they're refusing to get help for it? Because they view your concerned criticism of their behaviour as "picking on them".

I'd tell them to stop complaining if they aren't willing to try and fix it.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Feelin like I am teetering on the edge of sanity lately. I do not like this place. What do they say, if you think you are going insane it means you are actually Ok because you are noticing it or whatever?
I am just so tired of the lies it takes to be in this society. It is far too exhausting. Not worth the effort.

Yes, I feel as though I have to 'play the game' or 'pretend to be a willing member of society' each day.

If I could change the world to how I'd want it?.... :thinking: