i wish i had a time machine so i could go back to the 90's and just chill for a while......but i might not ever come back..haha
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It was a dark and frustrating night. :kickingmyself:
Ah sorry Graybeard. Was tryin my hand at being
I wish I had the energy/ambition/focus/confidence/strength to do all the things I need to do. The list is long, but some people could knock it all out in just a few hours or days. At the rate I'm going, it will take me years. I have no other purpose, no other demands on my time, no job, no relationships, just this endless list of things I have to do. I'm wondering if there's any point to it all.
I wish I had the energy/ambition/focus/confidence/strength to do all the things I need to do. The list is long, but some people could knock it all out in just a few hours or days. At the rate I'm going, it will take me years. I have no other purpose, no other demands on my time, no job, no relationships, just this endless list of things I have to do. I'm wondering if there's any point to it all.
Well, I'm in a similar situation, but I'm makin' a start on the list o' things ah want to do. Not attempting to influence ye here, but if you huv'nae go any demands on yer time, why not make a start, eh?
Y'know, give yersel' something to focus on, and a sense o' purpose, no?
One thing at a time if you have to. There's nothing worse than gettin' overwhelmed by the amount o' things ya might need to do.
My experience, just take one small step towards a thing on the list, even if it is to spite despair. And then take another small step, and another, like a snowball gaining momentum.
The thing I realised is that I can't do this alone, and that is why I reached out to family. I'm not sure if you have that option Graybeard, but there are people who will help, who won't judge. On your own chances are high it won't happen.
I'm really lost too, I'm not sure if I will make another day, I'm retreating to the edges of the world of people, and will soon drop of the edge into oblivion.
At the same time I have made progress towards some goals. My place is currently being painted, and new carpets are on order. The option of selling and moving to a new place is a possibility. Just two years ago I was dug into a huge hole of squalor, paranoia and despair that I couldn't see an escape from.
Somedays I get these bursts of hope, they are short-lived between the never ending cloud of fear, anger and despair.
Achieve is a word that gets through in brief moments. My photo website is taking shape, I had a logo done, and the site is being built by a web-designer. This is a huge goal, out of this useless mess of a life I am living.
Once I get a taste of achievement I want more. And I think if I can achieve thatm maybe I can achieve even more