Well-known member
Kat Dennings is ****ing gorgeous. I love her.
^ Agreed that she is quite pretty. I do like her as an actress, or at least some of her stuff. For some reason though I cannot get into 2 Broke Girls. It just is not funny to me. I think it's the writing....Kat Dennings is ****ing gorgeous. I love her.
^ It's one thing to be honest with yourself and recognize what's wrong, but it's also another to over-analyze and condemn yourself for being such a way. To pick apart your flaws until you feel raw only makes you feel even more bitter towards yourself and the rest of society. I think it's good you're recognizing your faults, but I also don't want you to feel so badly about yourself for these things. Trying to get that spark to make a change in the right direction is a hard one, and sometimes you have to use all your energy and force yourself in order to get that spark. I don't know about you, but sometimes I get so fed up with my pathetic self when I hit an obstacle like this that I literally just force myself to do something about it. I find a solution, or attempt to. Even if that means complaining the whole entire time and being a pessimistic whiner just to get it out of my system.I've been doubting myself a lot lately, and, maybe justifiably so, worried about who I am as a person. I feel like a crappy person, who cares about the wrong things and thinks the wrong things, and that I'm just not a good or worthwhile person. And I know there was a time in my life when I would feel this way and get by because I knew it was irrational, but objectively I feel like I just can't convince myself of that anymore. I think it's because it's true. I hate being so negative, but I just wanted to be really honest with myself. I don't feel like I can be positive, because everything positive coming from my mouth sounds like a load of crap. Only when I'm being bitter, or petty, or small, or a sarcastic shit, do the words feel right. I am lazy, so lazy. I tell myself I want to be better but I don't feel any desire deep down. I just want to be effortlessly happy. It feels great on the surface, but underneath I do really hate looking at who I am. I feel like such an ugly person. I liked it better when I hated myself for irrational reasons and cared a lot about it, than doing so for rational reasons, and not really giving any ****s. I don't even want to type right now I just want to smash the keyboard and throw it and run into a wall or something. I just write this post and think what another mindless piece of crap. Am I writing it just for attention, for more superficial pleasure at the idea of people reading what I said, and caring? The hope someone replies, or thanks it, and makes me feel slightly better about myself, for no real good reason. I'll just go to sleep now, and forgot all these feelings. It doesn't matter.
I'm just so tired of this. Why am I not doing the right thing. Why am I not trying. Why can't I wake up tomorrow and be a totally different person? I know I ****ing can, but I know I won't. How pathetic is that? Don't answer, I already know.
^ It's one thing to be honest with yourself and recognize what's wrong, but it's also another to over-analyze and condemn yourself for being such a way. To pick apart your flaws until you feel raw only makes you feel even more bitter towards yourself and the rest of society. I think it's good you're recognizing your faults, but I also don't want you to feel so badly about yourself for these things. Trying to get that spark to make a change in the right direction is a hard one, and sometimes you have to use all your energy and force yourself in order to get that spark. I don't know about you, but sometimes I get so fed up with my pathetic self when I hit an obstacle like this that I literally just force myself to do something about it. I find a solution, or attempt to. Even if that means complaining the whole entire time and being a pessimistic whiner just to get it out of my system.
For example, I hit this obstacle similar to yours a couple months ago. I kept telling myself how lazy I was, how pathetic I was, that I didn't have a job and no social life. That I was only going to class 3 times a week, then coming home immediately and doing pretty much nothing. I'm so pathetic that I have no friends at college and no one to hang out with. I wanted a job, Iwanted money, I wanted to meet new people, I wanted a change, yet had no desire to really do anything about it. So I took it upon myself to search for jobs like crazy. To get that spark going. All the while still telling myself how lazy I was. I would go out handing out my resume to businesses, faking a smile and faking a positive attitude, even though I hated being so exposed. I hated how I never got calls back for an entire month. Surely it was my fault because I was so lazy the past few years. But, I still kept doing it. Because it was something to do, it kept my mind focused on something else for a couple hours a day. And if I did obtain something (which I did!), it was a step in the right direction. I hope this helps.
^ Agreed that she is quite pretty. I do like her as an actress, or at least some of her stuff. For some reason though I cannot get into 2 Broke Girls. It just is not funny to me. I think it's the writing....
^ Believe me when I say that things will turn around. It may take a while, and you may think I'm just being too positive about this, but it'll happen. As long as you keep trying, even if you hate it.Thanks, it did help. I'm having a hard time, particularly this week. This feeling of being flawed at the core has been at the forefront of my mind and isn't going away. And every time I'm a **** to someone, or act in ways I feel ashamed and embarrassed to have associated with me, it reinforces the idea. And then I feel worse every moment I'm not doing something to change that. Because then every day I see it again, I wish I could just crawl into a hole and stay there until I'm ready to be a decent human being again. But short of a lottery miracle, I know that's out of the question. Until I find the spark I'm going through my days trying not to make things worse than they already are. I just feel like I'm failing every day at this. I really, really don't want to be me, but can't be anyone else.
^Why? .....
@Megaten, yeah I always wonder what people say about me and that leads me to imagine them saying things like I creep them out or something...
Sorry, I went a bit too far there. I was just mad. I try really hard every day to be more social and (with some people) it doesnt matter what I do, if they smell fear, they act weird and will sometimes avoid me. This has been a problem Ive had since I was in middle school. Im 33 now and its getting old. Not everyone does this though, some people dont care if Im nervous. But its like a punch in the stomach when it does happen. Its like why bother trying, you know?
Oh no need to be sorry, I understand the frustration. I just thought it was ironic to be mad at someone for being uncomfortable, when they are because you areCan't expect people to be better than you