Ah understand how ye feel, Sarah. But ye shouldnae huv tae justify yer taste in music to anybuddy, really. Like what you like.
By that token, there must be summit wrong with me cuz like most of those bands you mentioned along with Aphex Twin, Michelle Branch, Gerry Rafferty and the Backstreet Boys. Aye, definitely f***in' weird. Cannae go from heavy metal, to techno, folk and pop... Naw! That's just no oan is it?
Oh, hold on there... Ye made a grammatical error with this sentence. You forgot to put the words "like" and "c***s" before and after the word "boring". :bigsmile:
One good thing- or a silver lining, is perhaps a better way to phrase it, about an awful, fearful and suppressed childhood is that you get to re-experience the few things you did enjoy from childhood as an adult and have it be a freeing and almost euphoric experience. Almost as though you're reclaiming a tainted memory. It's oddly empowering.
A friend and I have recently been rewatching the first two seasons of Digimon in preparation of the new season. This used to be a show I adored as a kid, and apparently still do regardless of the many rough edges that it has. I've noticed that it has become the thing I look forward to most each week.
Hahaha "cunt" is a good word. Very seldom did I use it before The Hound said it frequently on Game Of Thrones - it was like a "cunt" revival.
I am nostalgically excited about that, I might be doing the same if i have time. Digimon rules :thumbup:
One good thing- or a silver lining, is perhaps a better way to phrase it, about an awful, fearful and suppressed childhood is that you get to re-experience the few things you did enjoy from childhood as an adult and have it be a freeing and almost euphoric experience. Almost as though you're reclaiming a tainted memory. It's oddly empowering.
A friend and I have recently been rewatching the first two seasons of Digimon in preparation of the new season. This used to be a show I adored as a kid, and apparently still do regardless of the many rough edges that it has. I've noticed that it has become the thing I look forward to most each week.
The first part of the new season is already out. 4 episodes (or 1 movie). I really enjoyed it, can't wait for the next 4 (out in April I think).
I'm going to wait until it's all done before diving into it, because I know it would kill me to wait. :X Though, the trailers look ridiculously good.
Alright. I think there are going to be 3 parts, the last one coming out late this year (probably). The problem is that the studio behind this is Toei, so both the 2nd and 3rd parts are likely to be delayed once or twice as we get closer to the release dates, so the last part might only come out next year.
One thing I really liked was the opening and the opening song, but I don't know how familiar you are with the original opening song. Most countries kept the song and translated the lyrics, but the English version had a completely different song. If that's the one you watched you probably won't enjoy it nearly as much as I did.
There's no longer any doubt about it. I'm a wordy s.o.b.mg:
6 years ago I started learning a musical instrument in case I would never be able to integrate society, so I could at least play music in the subway to buy food and survive without being a nuisance to anyone. I was thinking about it and I'm kind of proud that I actually took this plan B seriously enough to keep playing until now.