Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Think I might try a period on not logging on. I've fallen into that trap of checking posts every five minutes and then making dumbass posts myself. There is still lots of good stuff on this site that is beneficial to me but maybe I can manage my time better by being read only for a while.


Most self improvement scenarios go like this:

1. Individual feels they have a weakness that makes them unhappy
2. Individual creates a goal to (over)compensate for said weakness
3. Individual struggles toward goal in hopes that when goal is reached he/she receives an emotional reward
4. Individual either does not reach goal and feels worse about themselves
5. Individual reaches goal and receives emotional reward but reward is short lived and the whole process starts again.

I'm wondering if in some cases the struggle/reward cycle is actually more harmful than the original weakness.

As long as you have realistic, achievable goals and keep at it, I'm pretty sure this is a good way to live your life. I think your problem here is that you're assuming they have to be big challenging difficult things with a high chance of failure.

The purpose of having goals isn't to compensate for any weakness or challenge yourself-- it's about having experiences.

I always set goals when I go traveling-- eg: "As long as you see/do (this), the trip will be a success." That way if I don't get to see something else for some reason, I can still tell myself I saw the other thing (and I always do because it's the priority) and therefore have achieved my goal.

If for some reason you don't achieve my goal, then you don't just give up, you try again. Or you just forget about it and tell yourself that at least you had the experience, or find something else of value to be happy about. I guess there are also disasters, but as long as you keep trying the good experiences will balance them out.

If you don't have any goals then it's too easy to just sit around and put things off until you die, or just aimlessly wander without really having any sense of why you're doing it. I suppose that you can focus instead on the little things or just noticing things on a daily basis-- and this isn't necessarily a bad idea... but yeah, I think it's probably best to have something to look forward to so you don't end up getting sucked into a negative/defeatist mindset because you weren't focused on what you wanted to achieve.


Well-known member
As long as you have realistic, achievable goals and keep at it, I'm pretty sure this is a good way to live your life. I think your problem here is that you're assuming they have to be big challenging difficult things with a high chance of failure.

The purpose of having goals isn't to compensate for any weakness or challenge yourself-- it's about having experiences.

I always set goals when I go traveling-- eg: "As long as you see/do (this), the trip will be a success." That way if I don't get to see something else for some reason, I can still tell myself I saw the other thing (and I always do because it's the priority) and therefore have achieved my goal.

If for some reason you don't achieve my goal, then you don't just give up, you try again. Or you just forget about it and tell yourself that at least you had the experience, or find something else of value to be happy about. I guess there are also disasters, but as long as you keep trying the good experiences will balance them out.

If you don't have any goals then it's too easy to just sit around and put things off until you die, or just aimlessly wander without really having any sense of why you're doing it. I suppose that you can focus instead on the little things or just noticing things on a daily basis-- and this isn't necessarily a bad idea... but yeah, I think it's probably best to have something to look forward to so you don't end up getting sucked into a negative/defeatist mindset because you weren't focused on what you wanted to achieve.
You are probably right.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
How many time d'ye need tae be telt? Stop opening letter clearly addressed tae me, ya nosy mare. Does naebuddy in this hoose respect privacy anymair? Really gets on ma tits, so it does. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
I like to think I work hard to understand and work out how people think, quite often I am perplexed and can't figure out why conversations don't work. or why a person's conversation seems popular despite it having many things which I would have guessed disqualify it from being popular.


Well-known member
My mother was just yelling at me about her not having much money not long ago yet she hasn't been to work this week so far. She already took her weeks leave this year...


I'm planning on going clothes shopping this weekend so I wanted to look up some new style ideas (other than just jeans and a t-shirt, which is what I mostly wear) I go on google and type in "men's clothing style 2015" and THIS shit comes up it cool to look like Oliver Twist now?....really, is this the current style?
I'm planning on going clothes shopping this weekend so I wanted to look up some new style ideas (other than just jeans and a t-shirt, which is what I mostly wear) I go on google and type in "men's clothing style 2015" and THIS shit comes up it cool to look like Oliver Twist now?....really, is this the current style?
^ Oliver Twist. :giggle:
He also looks very uncomfortable about having to model those clothes! He has a "Hmmm, how can I stand to make these ridiculous clothes look cool?" look on his face. :p

I wish there was a simple upgrade you could buy to increase your IQ. Other than getting thousands of dollars in debt with a Student Loan. Even then, some people who have gone through higher education can still seem to have only achieved it because they have wealthy parents, and it's obvious they were not born with a naturally existing high IQ.

We can get organ transplants for kidneys, livers, lungs and now hands and a partial face etc. How long before we can donate the brains/spinal cords of someone with a high IQ so that the valuable high IQ does not die with them. :idontknow:

Their high functioning brain can live on in another person through being transplanted after they die to another human who would like to purchase a higher IQ, maybe instead of purchasing a house?

But then I suppose that would create an industry of selling human bits and pieces. :thinking:
A very complex problem. It could work if there was a way for it to be extensively regulated so it does not become corrupt, but sadly preventing corruption is so far virtually impossible in this world.

I still hope there are some scientists trying to develop successful way to give people brain and spinal cord transplants at some secret facility in the US. It is such a shame that a genius brain gets buried when someone dies.


^ Oliver Twist. :giggle:
He also looks very uncomfortable about having to model those clothes! He has a "Hmmm, how can I stand to make these ridiculous clothes look cool?" look on his face. :p

I wish there was a simple upgrade you could buy to increase your IQ. Other than getting thousands of dollars in debt with a Student Loan. Even then, some people who have gone through higher education can still seem to have only achieved it because they have wealthy parents, and it's obvious they were not born with a naturally existing high IQ.

We can get organ transplants for kidneys, livers, lungs and now hands and a partial face etc. How long before we can donate the brains/spinal cords of someone with a high IQ so that the valuable high IQ does not die with them. :idontknow:

Their high functioning brain can live on in another person through being transplanted after they die to another human who would like to purchase a higher IQ, maybe instead of purchasing a house?

But then I suppose that would create an industry of selling human bits and pieces. :thinking:
A very complex problem. It could work if there was a way for it to be extensively regulated so it does not become corrupt, but sadly preventing corruption is so far virtually impossible in this world.

I still hope there are some scientists trying to develop successful way to give people brain and spinal cord transplants at some secret facility in the US. It is such a shame that a genius brain gets buried when someone dies.

thats interested you mention that. Supposedly Albert Einstein's brain was removed and experimented on after his death and I'm pretty sure its currently in a container somewhere at the Smithsonian. There an show called "Dark Matters:Twisted but true" that had a segment on Einstein's brain in one of their episodes.

and yeah, that guy in the picture must be thinking "When do I get paid?"
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I'm planning on going clothes shopping this weekend so I wanted to look up some new style ideas (other than just jeans and a t-shirt, which is what I mostly wear) I go on google and type in "men's clothing style 2015" and THIS shit comes up it cool to look like Oliver Twist now?....really, is this the current style?

I've never looked at high fashion, in any time period, and thought to myself ''Huh, yeah, that looks like something a non-insane person would wear.'' It's almost always over designed nonsense.

I could go off on an hour tangent rant about fake pockets alone. Why would you even?! That's the d- ..But yeah, I'll spare you that.

Rock those Jeans and T' proudly like they're made of diamond gold.


Well-known member
I really need to eat healthier. I mean, I am once again eating healthier but it's still not good enough.
I'm having huge problems with sleeping again. Trying to stop overthinking isn't working, and I'm not even drinking that much coffee anymore.

I'm not sure how I'm going to solve this one.
Wouldn't it be great if you could share feelings directly via some sort of psychological link for a duration? You could combine the good vibrations of everyone at a concert into a single feel-good hive mind. It'd be better than drugs.


Well-known member
Mentally exhausted. I wish I could sleep for a week.

It is so smokey outside from wildfires that you cannot go outside for very long with out it making you feel sick. You cannot see the mountains, there is a haze that is post apocalyptic-like hanging in the air. It is making me nervous for some reason, though I know I am in no real danger here for fires (they are 100 miles away)

I feel sick from eating bad food for weeks now.

Just feel weird and my nerves feel fried. I think I want to drink but it doesn't even sound good.

Nothing sounds good.

I just watched the worst documentary ever. I feel violated mentally it was so bad.

I watched a cute video on YouTube then read the comments and felt sick for humanity. People are horrible to one another.


Well-known member
Back from vacations. My friends planned a dinner and whatever else an hour from now, but I think I'm too tired to go.