Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I was born to name ding-ding pills.

It struck me that PRO-LONG would be the perfect name for male... vitamins. I Googled it, and sure enough, it's being used.

I missed my calling. :(


Well-known member
The problem for some people is not that they roll the dice and come up with bad numbers but that they never get the chance to roll the dice at all.
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Well-known member
What do you do with that knowledge though?

Well the standard answer is to "work harder" to get your chance to roll the dice. That would be good advice if the work part was well defined.

For example: if I had to physically fight a group of people to get to the dice that were sitting at the front of a room then I would have a good definition of what I needed to do to get the dice so I could then roll them and hope for good numbers. The harder I fight the people the more chance I have of getting the dice.

Of course I could get to the dice, roll bad numbers and then have to start all over again.

The problem with the real world is that the work you have to do to get the dice to have a chance is nebulous, ill defined, and always changing.

So people end up doing things that they have seen other people do who have had moderate success with getting the chance to roll the dice.

I just wonder if there is a better way to view life rather than all this chance and poorly defined work.

It all seems terribly inefficient.

Added: And I cannot shake this feeling in my gut that the concept of "self improvement" as we now know it is wrong and outdated. Like there is a better option.
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Well-known member
Added: And I cannot shake this feeling in my gut that the concept of "self improvement" as we now know it is wrong and outdated. Like there is a better option.

What concept/idea/version(s) of self improvement are you referring to? All? Are you thinking there is a better way no one has discovered yet? I'm curious.


Well-known member
What concept/idea/version(s) of self improvement are you referring to? All? Are you thinking there is a better way no one has discovered yet? I'm curious.

Most self improvement scenarios go like this:

1. Individual feels they have a weakness that makes them unhappy
2. Individual creates a goal to (over)compensate for said weakness
3. Individual struggles toward goal in hopes that when goal is reached he/she receives an emotional reward
4. Individual either does not reach goal and feels worse about themselves
5. Individual reaches goal and receives emotional reward but reward is short lived and the whole process starts again.

I'm wondering if in some cases the struggle/reward cycle is actually more harmful than the original weakness.

Perhaps a better way to change a weakness is not to tackle it head-on and wrestle with it but to wear it down slowly over time or even learn to live with it.

I'm wondering if more people could experience more happiness by detaching it(happiness) from the promise of some future emotional reward and rather by finding it in real time.

Also the very concept of self improvement as it stands now seems to encourage people to expend more energy compensating for their weaknesses rather than expanding on their strengths.

Maybe people would be more fulfilled if less emphasis was put on "doing" and more was put on "being"?

I don't know, just some stuff I've been thinking about. Don't really have a good handle on it yet. But I'm trying to come up with a different way of looking at things for myself personally.

And yes, there could even be a better way that no one has discovered yet.


Well-known member
Everyone's in bed here by 9:30pm. They weren't kidding when they said this was a retirement community! I prefer it over any other tbh. If your going to have to be around people, old people are the easiest to deal with. I would not be into party-ville or crying babies at all! No barking dogs either.


Well-known member
What concept/idea/version(s) of self improvement are you referring to? All? Are you thinking there is a better way no one has discovered yet? I'm curious.

Maybe it's ayahuasca, that seems to be the cure for everything nowadays. Vomit, see demons while tripping balls and get yourself better!:thumbup:
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Woke up this morning to cat hurling sounds. Not in itself uncommon or too worrying, weren't for the fact that the little j.erk was hovering above a basket of important documents as she did. Not intentionally, but still. So that was fun.


Well-known member
Its all gone wrong today; seriously wrong.
I have to Buddha and his teachings but after that there is nobody else.


Well-known member
Woke up this morning to cat hurling sounds. Not in itself uncommon or too worrying, weren't for the fact that the little j.erk was hovering above a basket of important documents as she did. Not intentionally, but still. So that was fun.
It's also bad when you hear that sound and they are on your bed.


Well-known member
When you are a dude with no wife or kids it's amazing the amount of time you have for frivolous pursuits.

Like this week I've spent a good deal of time comparing the regular CD version and the more costly, high resolution, super audio CD(SACD) version of Miles Davis' "In a silent way" CD to see if the SACD really does have superior sound quality.

What are people always advising? "Get a hobby and find a group." Well I don't think there will be any local groups devoted to this esoteric hobby.

Now if I got a thrill out of comparing exotic beers then I would be golden...


in a VAN down by the RIVER
It's also bad when you hear that sound and they are on your bed.

My pug does that too, they have really thick fur so she sometimes gets hairballs just like a cat. I know when she starts to wretch that I have about 10-20 seconds to get her outside, or at least onto some tile. :bigsmile: