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Well-known member
How to live?

I think, hopefully this makes sense, isn't kinda of the whole Darwinian concept at play with that...kill or be killed....from the trailer and what you wrote is what I am understanding.

Thanks MollyBeGood, [Sorry for the long post, you don't have to read, I just need to vent!] I definitely think survival of the fittest is a part of it, but I'm not sure it's the whole part for me. I think part of my fear of not growing is born out of a kind of competition in my soul. A desire to be "better" than others. To be amongst the "fittest". I think that's a part of me, but, like you, I'm against it too and I try to reduce those motives inside of me whenever I can. I don't believe survival of the fittest is a good philosophy for people to live by, and I don't even believe it's necessarily an innate part of being human. I think there's plenty of evidence to show that often the species that have survived throughout our evolutionary history have been the ones that have learned to cooperate. It's not always about being the strongest or the biggest.

I think it's more of an individual thing for me. The two snakes represent two paths I could take in my life, two attitudes to life. And I can't help but feel that the snake that keeps growing is the snake that is truly living. If I'm really honest with myself I think this is the right attitude to have towards life. It's better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. We only live once so we might aswell dive in and get messy. We'll probably regret the chances we miss more than the chances we take then wish we hadn't.

I feel like in principle this is true. The problem is that there is a colossal wave of concerns in my mind I feel very cautious not to abandon too hastily before I rush out into the world. Because let's say I go for it, and really try to live life to the fullest. What would it look like? I imagine myself travelling the world, getting into adventures, quitting my job and moving to London, or maybe even LA! Why not!? Forming a band and playing festivals, meeting crazy people, making deep friendships, finding love, going on road trips, climbing mountains, bungee jumping, skydiving, making a fool of myself, joining a flash mob, starting a movement, rallying and marching, giving a TED talk, and on and on. But don't all these things sound suspiciously like a hollywood movie? Isn't this a kind of false guilt when we compare our lives to this exorbitant standard. Sure I'd love all these things, but cowardice is not my main reason for not obtaining them. Money is.

Also the idea that we can make anything happen if we just believe in ourselves enough and never give up I think is dangerous too, because there are so many powers outside of our control that affect our fates. If we believe it, then we'll feel fully responsible when we're unable to pull ourselves from the gutter to the stars, despite the truth being that we live in a system that makes it exceedingly difficult to rise to the highest echelons of society.

There's also the fact that we share this planet with other people. In my own private life I eagerly use the principle all the time. I often take the hard road, the risky road, the un-travelled road, because I want to explore and push myself to my limits and try things no-one else has tried before. But as soon as other people come into the picture it all gets complicated. I can't just manufacture experiences with others. It needs to be genuine and motivated by true and good reasons, with all people involved consenting to be a part of whatever it is you're trying to do.

What does living life to the fullest and becoming a strong snake even look like? Maybe my vision above is totally wrong. Which is the right ladder to climb? I feel like all the ladders presented to me don't appeal. They all end in billionaires and pop stars. I don't trust these ladders. How many times do we hear the story of someone gaining the whole world only to learn that it's empty and meaningless. Why should I climb these ladders?

Or maybe these are all just excuses hiding the real truth which is that being around people simply scares me. It's painful and awkward and confusing and I'd rather avoid it. I need to give it more thought.


Well-known member
I thought my phone's charge would plummet if I listened to music there, but after 30 minutes it didn't go down even 1%.
Re: always

I just always seem to **** everything up. There's no way around it.
^ I suffer from that same affliction, Psych. :sad:
You have my sympathies in dealing with the seemingly endless frustration.

I hope you can find a way out of this reoccurring problem eventually though. :)
When you are able to, picky yourself up and try again. When people have nothing to lose it does sometimes seem easier to keep trying, than to not.
I fear that if I don't commit to something structured I'm going to lose myself, so I'm going back to 3D modeling/animating and slowly learning game design and scripting. Unity recently came out with native VR integration, so I figure that's a good place to start.

Scripting has always been something I feared doing, as it looks so complicated. And one tutorial/lesson in, it's quite hard to make heads or tails of what I'm actually doing. Replicating results by mimicking is one thing, but to apply it for your own uses will require further study.

It's not as complicated as I thought, but it'll be quite some time before I can do this without reference.


Well-known member
I think Charlie's Angels was the first movie to rip it off. I was a fan of the series (okay a fan of Jaclyn Smith) and was actually genuinely excited when they announced they were going to make it.

Then I saw the trailers.

The Angels were flying around all over the place, fighting in slow motion, dodging projectiles, and all while dressed in black PVC just like Carrie Ann Moss. I thought to myself "Are you kidding me? For one, it's a blatant ripoff of The Matrix's look. For seconds, just how are these people supposed to be doing all of this without super powers, or being trapped in some kind of virtual world?".

Not only was it a stylistic ripoff, it was just plain stupid. I never got past all the pointless wire-fu and bullet time, not to mention the waste of a good cast.

Bill Murray wisely avoided the obligatory sequel.


Ah Miss Smith, tell me what you live for and I'll live for it too.

yea some films don't even try and hide it, so completely blatant. I can appreciate the odd parody but in most cases its not that.
its like someone passed round a memo to every director since 1999, if you do an action sequence try and include a matrix style scene.


Well-known member
I don't like gay Marriage. The world has gone crazy. Man and woman is the normal thing not man and man or woman and woman. I will stand for what's right. The truth hurts. Say No to Gay Marriage


Well-known member
I don't like gay Marriage. The world has gone crazy. Man and woman is the normal thing not man and man or woman and woman. I will stand for what's right. The truth hurts. Say No to Gay Marriage

In 20 years gay marriage will be a normal thing. What is "normal" changes over time and is not necessarily right or wrong. I would say adultery is a normal thing in this day and age, but that doesn't make it right.