Too much slacking this semester, and I'm not a terribly good student even at my best. Not acceptable!
This week isn't going well at all. First the dinner where I was finally going to meet people with the same hobbies was cancelled after I mustered up the courage to tell them I was going. I was going to get my hair cut because it is getting hard to style, but those plans were cancelled too.
I haven't been able to wake up early enough to get all the studying done in the morning.
Today I will have to sleep 3 hours less than I would like because tomorrow I have to take a cab with my grandma to my uncle's house so my grandma can say goodbye to my other uncles that are leaving tomorrow (even though we were with them today). I will basically have to be like a nurse to my grandma, which I really despise doing. I feel nauseous at the thought of physical contact with her. This "little" trip will force me to skip my gym day in order to keep my studies on track.
One of my gym gloves got completely destroyed in the washing machine, so I have to waste another 2 hours to go buy a new pair.
And a lot of other little things happened, like waking up in the middle of the night after hearing someone scream for some seconds. Couldn't fall asleep for a while because I didn't know if it was a dream or not, but it was indeed a dream.
I'm not liking all this, specially since the results of my university application come out this Friday. It's highly unlikely that I don't make it, but with the way this week is going I don't know what to expect.
I just had duck sex explained to me by a German high on painkillers. What has my life become.