Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I really must start thinking about going bed soon and get some sleep. But the thought of sleeping on a very small two seater sofa again is putting me off.


Well-known member
I really must start thinking about going bed soon and get some sleep. But the thought of sleeping on a very small two seater sofa again is putting me off.

I really should sleep too. But the last couple of nights I haven´t been able to fall asleep until very late, even though I really tried!


Well-known member
I really should sleep too. But the last couple of nights I haven´t been able to fall asleep until very late, even though I really tried!

I'm like that most nights. I will just lay there for hours trying to go sleep but I can't. No matter how hard I try I'm still awake at 4am.

I hope you do manage to go off to sleep.


She actually meant one of these


You really don't want to get on her bad side.

Hehe, the things girls like these days.... smh


Well-known member
My mom called me and told me she was going out tonight to see the new harry potter movie with her boyfriend. I told her not to stay out too late.

How did this come to be?
I hate weather when it looks like it's going to rain all day, but never does.
If you want to rain, then RAIN! stop teasing us. Oh and those few drops for 30 seconds! wtf!?:rolleyes:
^ Clouds are such teases! ''Oh, here's some rain. OH NO WAIT, THERE'S NOT.''

At least the sun is honest, scorching everything it can. :B
what happens after you come to conclusion you have nothing to live for?
happened to me several times before and each time i think avoidance cared those thoughts away and made me forget and made me keep on going somewhere on a low fire...
yet now thanks to my therapy, this week the thought hit me again. and much deeper, from all the causes and all the results.

(sorry this is why i've been pretty out of the forum past days...just a mood i want to overcome. but i also want to catch it as long as i can, because this is the time to think what's on. i'm afraid to lose this trail for another long period of time. so i think i'll be out for some more days).

Good luck with this trail you are following latte.
I hope you find the answers you are looking/hoping to find!:)

Look forward to when you are able to come in back and post again.


Well-known member
wtf :mad:
Sugar Shane Mosley Wife Gets Championship Belts in Divorce |

Shane Mosley Wife Gets Championship Belts in Divorce
7/14/2011 11:48 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Sugar Shane Mosley has been forced to give up 3 championship belts -- to his wife ... in his divorce!

TMZ has obtained Sugar Shane's divorce settlement documents and -- if you've been divorced -- we're betting his is a lot different.

The settlement provides that ex-wife Jin "shall maintain custody and control of three championship belts for each of the respective parties' three minor children." Each of the kids get a belt when they turn 18.

And Jin will get half of Sugar Shane's cut of profits from videotapes and DVDs of his big fights, including bouts with Oscar De La Hoya, Miguel Cotto and Fernando Vargas.

Since the divorce was filed in California and community property rules apply, Jin gets half of Sugar Shane's fight purses during their marriage. But luckily for Sugar, his big fight against Manny Pacquiao was held after the couple separated, so his $3 mil is his alone.

And get this ... the couple accumulated 854,410 American Express points during their marriage, and she gets half. To put that in perspective, for Jin's 427,205 points, she can buy either an industrial generator or a 10-speed bike.

Its really unfair,why does he have to lose something he earned in his career,thats the ultimate goal of any fighter,its getting ridiculous now,guys cant abandon children and have to pay monthly,rightfully so,yet a women can have the right to just go and kill or if you want to say abort,on the pretense that she can do anything with her body?
She actually can do anything with her body,but should take responsibility of what she did later.
I need to invest in a cross and some holy water.

The devil, vampires, independence, a lot can be subdued with a bit of religion
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Up early, sitting at Starbucks on my lappy. I know I know, Starbucks, UGH. With my Mac. And with the clothes I'm wearing..... I look like a hipster. heh. Oh well.


Why, when you're underage, do you need permission from a guardian to use the internet at a library, if porn and other such sites are blocked?

Lol. Silly Brits. You can drink at 18 but can't access the Internet until then either :D

Oh, wait. I guess I can't talk. Here you can watch porn, smoke, and play the lottery at 18, as well as pay taxes, but can't drink until you're 21. So much for being an "adult" at 18. :mad:
Lol. Silly Brits. You can drink at 18 but can't access the Internet until then either :D

Oh, wait. I guess I can't talk. Here you can watch porn, smoke, and play the lottery at 18, as well as pay taxes, but can't drink until you're 21. So much for being an "adult" at 18. :mad:

Haha, you can have sex here at 16 but not watch porn until you're 18 (legally) :confused: