Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I want to lleeeeaaaavvvveeeee..

If only just for a few years. I can just feel my mind slipping slightly whenever I think about the modern way of live. It feels like this muddy-damp mentality mist that is constantly present. I'm also tired of enduring a language that I can hardly understand. Sometimes it just makes me want to throw up. :/

I get what society stands for, what it is for, and why it functions the way it does, but I personally don't need all these perks. I like a certain risk, adventure and physical difficulty. My functioning within society is almost nothing more the charity work for those that can't live any other way.

I mean, give me a primitive isolated shack, solar/wind/water mill energy, satellite internet/TV and I'd be forever happy. If only I had the resources; I'd design and build a self sufficient, nature friendly, home that would rightfully deserve the term ''paradise''.

If only..

Save money until you can afford it? Or find people/resources who can help?
I read about someone who put up an eco house for just 1.000 EURO - with help of friends and reused stuff etc. If you can get a plot of land somewhere - or permission to put a hut on it...? (Just make sure it has good insulation. A relative has built a small one, a bit different make, and is going to build a bigger one.)


Well-known member
I feel a little better, I think I needed to eat. I should not take my meds on an empty stomach.

and lol a baseball thingy?

I have always wanted to write a novel, prob. not a Gothic one though. :)Maybe a romance, or a drama? idk

I guess she meant baseball bat. Remind me not to get on her bad side...

lol yeah I meant the bat, couldn't remember the word - isn't it funny how the baseball bat is, well, a bat?

(pictures bat with baseball cap)

I am not a native speaker!! lol!!

I'm not that dangerous, Pips!! honest! :)

I've always wanted to write a novel too. You'll have to keep me up to date with that if you'd like.

Yeah, keep me updated, guys! I have a ton of beginnings - just started ANOTHER one the other day (when there were storms and computer unplug time lol) Which reminds me, I just don't get it how some people can get BORED? hm?!!

I think it would be good to finish some but beginnings are just THAT much more FUN!!

I think romances sell well, yeah. You have to like'em to write one though.

Oh god now I'm seeing chocolate bats too!! Yikes!!


Well-known member
what happens after you come to conclusion you have nothing to live for?
happened to me several times before and each time i think avoidance cared those thoughts away and made me forget and made me keep on going somewhere on a low fire...
yet now thanks to my therapy, this week the thought hit me again. and much deeper, from all the causes and all the results.
you eat some dark chocolate and take a nap?

/check what time of month it is too?? :)/

find interesting things to live for... declutter... etc.
(if you have enough interesting things/projects to do and enough clutter, you can be busy for 2+ centuries... :))


Slightly ashamed and scared of what I'm capable of. Also I find it sad, that even as adults that we cant resolve things In a responsible/mature way.


Well-known member
Slightly ashamed and scared of what I'm capable of. Also I find it sad, that even as adults that we cant resolve things In a responsible/mature way.

Aww Dan, I'm sure you gave it your best effort... everyone has days off sometimes... ((hugs))

It's a learning process, remember? And other grownups need to ideally want to be grownups about it too!!


Well-known member
Ooh, who's the present for Twig?

Well, where's the chocolate??! Duh.

lol Twig I understand, often was tempted by past or future too...

YAY for recognizing it now!! GO Twig!! You still have soo much ahead of you!!! :)

If you manage to invent a spaceship that goes back in time do tell tho.