I want to lleeeeaaaavvvveeeee..
If only just for a few years. I can just feel my mind slipping slightly whenever I think about the modern way of live. It feels like this muddy-damp mentality mist that is constantly present. I'm also tired of enduring a language that I can hardly understand. Sometimes it just makes me want to throw up. :/
I get what society stands for, what it is for, and why it functions the way it does, but I personally don't need all these perks. I like a certain risk, adventure and physical difficulty. My functioning within society is almost nothing more the charity work for those that can't live any other way.
I mean, give me a primitive isolated shack, solar/wind/water mill energy, satellite internet/TV and I'd be forever happy. If only I had the resources; I'd design and build a self sufficient, nature friendly, home that would rightfully deserve the term ''paradise''.
If only..
Save money until you can afford it? Or find people/resources who can help?
I read about someone who put up an eco house for just 1.000 EURO - with help of friends and reused stuff etc. If you can get a plot of land somewhere - or permission to put a hut on it...? (Just make sure it has good insulation. A relative has built a small one, a bit different make, and is going to build a bigger one.)