I'm happy for you that you found a female friend. It's so difficult. Guys can just be guys and come and go, pick right back up again. Not a big deal. But for some reason female friends seem like some huge involved obligation. If life gets in the way, if you don't call, you begin to notice ambiguous posts on Facebook. Is she talking about me??? It takes too much energy dealing with females. I wish I didn't feel this way. (Kind of dealing with this now.)
I want female friends but I agree that it takes a lot of effort to maintain relationships with them. Still, in my opinion, and as someone I know put it, your girlfriends fill a space no man can fill. I really think that's true. I think it's important to have females you can relate to and that you can talk to about things you can't with men.
Maybe it's a matter of finding women who don't act the way you've described? I once had a best friend who never behaved that way. In fact, I really think she was as close to perfect as a person can get. Any problems we had were usually caused by me.
:applause: That's great something you were wishing for coming true.
Thank you