Well-known member
aLSO me is so happy that the searing joint pain in my knees is most likely a result/side effect of toxins from old injuries my body is trying to flush out with my new raw juice detox health plan.
I sang in the shower a bit ago ... and gotta admit not sounding too bad haha
Hahaaaa. So accurate.
I gave my mother a really posh compass for her birthday today. I didn't know whether she'd like it or not, but she seemed to like it.
does she get lost very often?
I know you guys aren't doctors but it's pretty late to consult one about this and google will obviously just tell me I'm about to die.
I got a really small cut in my finger 4 days ago (like a papercut but with plastic). I didn't put anything on it because it didn't even bleed. Right now there's like a small red bubble surrounding it (although the cut isn't really in the centre). It doesn't hurt except one place, right below the cut (the place is on the border between the bubble and the skin that is ok, because like I said the cut isn't in the middle of the bubble). Just for comparison, I feel this huge pimple forming right next to my nose and it hurts more than this bubble. When I touch the bubble with some pressure it feels like there's a bit of air or blood inside. It doesn't itch and it doesn't seem to have pus.
I also checked for red or purple streaks. If I try hard enough I can see these purple lines coming from it, but then again I can see them too in all of my fingers (I'm pretty skinny).
Does this seem like an infection is starting? Should I do anything to take care of it?
Unless I can get her to take some food, she's guaranteed to die. Milk and butter have both failed. Soft cat food works, but only half a thee spoon in like 6 hours. It's a delay at best..