Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Not good. Leave it to me to procrastinate work until the very end. Need to hand in a five pages long paper on... something. Can't even remember the topic. Better call a classmate.

... I've got less than 4 hours. Please, if some giant comet is going to hit our planet any time soon, let it be before 12pm today tyvm


Well-known member
Not good. Leave it to me to procrastinate work until the very end. Need to hand in a five pages long paper on... something. Can't even remember the topic. Better call a classmate.

... I've got less than 4 hours. Please, if some giant comet is going to hit our planet any time soon, let it be before 12pm today tyvm

That Sucks!!! Good Luck. I know the feeling. Been there before.


Well-known member
I'm such a child, as soon as I lose someone due to pure uninterest then I actually become obsessed with that person just due to the fact that she's not "mine" anymore.

It's quite funny actually.


Well-known member
Ok i don;t know if its because I am sick or just having a very bad day but my people patiences had worn down to nothing today and thats kinda of a surprize seeing how I have not been around people because i have been sick. What should have taken me a hour to at the most took me almost two and a half hours almost 3. First I don;t know what it was but it seemed like someone let out all the moron drivers today. I am talking real geniuses. On my way to the first place I had to go some idiot was going 25 in a 45 with his blinker on which would not have been so bad if there was not the middle turn strip and no cars to look out for. Then on the way back another person drives across three lanes of traffic and the middle turn strip to get to my lane(the farthest one) causing me to slam my breaks hard almost causing a pileup behind me and barly missing slamming into the idiot. THen a few blocks ahead someone did get into a crash or something backing up traffic but I was turning. I get to walmart grab my one item I needed more cough stuff and was waiting to check out and these two women had full carts which I new would take a bit so i took a deep breath and just relaxed for a sec. After they were finished some person walked up while they were still in line at the regester but already paid and had everything packed up to leave and began a conversation that was something like how is so and so and what not.It lasted a good 2 minuts and probably closer to three I got tired of waiting and paid cash instide of using my card. The Big topper was I was parked fairly close to the exit and was walking to my car when the Cart guy starts walking my way. I open my car get in and start it and the jerk parks his cart machine right behind my car and walks off to gather more carts. He knew I was there the car was already started and I had it in reverse waiting for him to walk on by.


Well-known member
Woah, holy changes. This is what I come back to after being gone a month and a half? So many different animated smilies too!

I like it. :)

15,444 new posts?! You guys have been busy.


Well-known member
Is it all in my head, do other young people have the feeling of not being grown up enough or not being able to speak like an adult? I am so bad with words I can't even describe it I feel like a teenager still


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Is it all in my head, do other young people have the feeling of not being grown up enough or not being able to speak like an adult? I am so bad with words I can't even describe it I feel like a teenager still

Aye, I feel the same way. So yer not alone there, mate. Am not great with words, either, when it comes to speaking.


Got my set list on for busking this weekend. Going to give all the money I earn to kids can - charity for child poverty. Will match dollar for dollar because I probably wont earn that much.

But I have all my Bruno Mars down and some Christmas songs.


Well-known member
Got my set list on for busking this weekend. Going to give all the money I earn to kids can - charity for child poverty. Will match dollar for dollar because I probably wont earn that much.

But I have all my Bruno Mars down and some Christmas songs.
You're incredibly selfless. If everyone in the world was like you, there would be no war.


Well-known member
i dont fit in i never have i try my hardest but it just doesnt seem to be enough. sometimes i think im best on my own and i should forget theres a world outside, its forgotten me so why should i care. :(

You mean there's a world outside? Wow. It sounds like you have been there.

A Many Splendored Thing

Well-known member
The carbon monoxide detector just started going off, and I can't tell whether it's a broken heating system, the stripper used on the front door, or just old age of the carbon monoxide detector.

The new one hasn't gone off, but now I don't know whether my mind is playing tricks on me or not because I have a headache.

Sleeping out in the car for the night, I think.


Well-known member
feeling neurotic and crazy. i try to suppress the crazy but it always comes out in conversation. first it slowly seeps out, trickling out in small increments at the seams. these small trickles of crazy thicken into to a steady stream the more comfortable i get, and before i even realize what happened, at some unknown point the levy breaks and all of the crazy is revealed in this avalanche of over-divulgence. the receiver is swept off their feet and shocked at my social ineptitude. there are boundaries you don't cross in conversation... but in my storm of mental instability my perceptions, judgement, and sensibilities are clouded out. the flashing yellow hazard lights that say, "slow down," are not there. everything blizzards out. the receiver cuts me off and slowly backs away. an awkward laugh. shifty eyes. and then they are gone. i am left alone, embarrassed at myself again.

self loathing. i need to get out of my head.
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