I feel rather annoyed and awkward. This morning I woke up with my roommate having a few friends in the room. Which terrified the fuzz out of me. They didn't leave until a little before 1 in the afternoon. So guess what weirdo Razzlecherry did? He stayed in the bed until they left, pretending to be asleep. A little after 9 am to a little before 1 pm I just laid in my bed pretending to sleep.
The worse part is the kids were commenting on me oversleeping, as if it's some kind of deranged act. The comments tore me up inside. I can't understand how they feel it's any of their concern, it's not like it's causing any problems. And besides, it's not like it's a common thing, which it isn't. The very first time.
Jeez, I can't stand having a roommate. I feel as if I have no privacy and feel uncomfortable being in the room with him. Thankfully, I'm going to end this crap.
Yeah, having a roommate can be rough. I remember the beginning of last school year I was going through a really serious bout avoidance and was near my worst probably. I remember one time, my roommate had some people over, ones he had just met and he was talking to them, and then he introduced them to me. I was at my desk with my headphones on doing some homework. They started talking to me, saying hello and whatnot, and I totally ignored them as if I couldn't hear them with my headphones in. I could fully hear them of course. Pretty sure they knew as well, and one said "he's
really into his work or something like that. You lose all privacy when having a roommate which is hard when all you want is time to yourself. I know I go through streaks when I need to recollect myself and just isolate from new people or experiences, was miserable to go through with a roommate. (I was such a horrible roommate he did switch 2 weeks into the semester, but that is neither here nor there

kind of looking forward to the boy meets world spinoff :x
WHAT?!?! err *regains composure* I mean...no, that is exactly what I meant. WHAT?!?! Dreams do come true :applause:
Edit: I just read a review for it, Eric Dies :crying:
Edit Edit: That was from the Onion, it seemed so real
