Post your picture thread


Well-known member
BDD sufferer... I shaven yesterday after a month and it was so stressful coz I looked so different, I just saw ugliness again, my nose looked bigger, my face thinner and more empty, my chin looks like it grew bigger and uglier... ah could be just my mind again ****in with me... today Iam gona cut my hair and Iam scared, I don't know what crazy things I might do after I look in the mirror, all confidence I build up over the past months goes down the toilet when I cut my hair, and I have to start from scratch again,

J, babe, you are actually rather good-looking. I know that this won't make much difference but I'll say so anyway: you've no need to put such a downer on your looks.


Yea Iam realizing there's something seriously wrong with me, I was thinking how my chin should look like so I would be happy and came to the conclusion no matter how it would look like Iam gonna hate it... I clearly got BDD.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

bit blurry pics of a squirrel...had to zoom in on him from long way off...but dont you just want to pet him :)


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Off The Wall

Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

oh i hate looking at your pics! the food looks so good! damn im eating just a boring eat on toast. haha! those pancake look amazing Mmm..


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

The blueberry pancakes were mmmm good....blueberries are good for you too by the way :)


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Chocolate caramel turtle ice cream i didnt eat it all

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