Hie yer hence from me heath!
this is me, today....not sure why I am posting this but wtf![]()
this is me, today....not sure why I am posting this but wtf![]()
this is me, today....not sure why I am posting this but wtf![]()
^I'm pretty sure girls dont like being called handsome XD
^I'm pretty sure girls dont like being called handsome XD
this is me, today....not sure why I am posting this but wtf![]()
Lookin' mighty fine, Molly (and everyone else). And there's nothing wrong with your nose, Jungle.
Do you guys think I should smile? I hardly manage to have a genuine smile on pictures.
Members aren't posting as many pictures as they used to in the previous years, what's the matter?
If you pay me I will say something nice....
But I normally do not say anything, I am afraid it will be misinterpreted. So I just use the thanks button.
It's hard to say without first seeing what you look like when you're smiling. Some people have great smiles; others really shouldn't even try. If you smile like a politician or a used car salesman, then maybe you shouldn't. If you grin like a deranged psycho killer, then definitely not. If you smile like the genuine, sane, honest human being you seem to be, though, let's see what you got. We'll let you know what we think.erfect:
Very few of us are the best judges of our own looks, especially here. We're a community of introverts (mostly), and many of us have body image issues that prevent us from appreciating our own features. We see ugliness where other people may not, and so we keep our faces to ourselves. I'm mostly speaking for myself here—other members may have other reasons—but that's why I, for one, haven't posted my picture for a long while. Maybe it's time I did. :thinking:
Before posting my first picture one year ago, I was pretty anxious at the idea of doing so (not many Arabs around here) , but when you think about it rationnaly, ugly or has no real impact on you on this forum, it's not a dating platform is it?![]()
Nice nose, I know.
This is pretty much what I think when I don't get that many replies. People would rather refrain from saying anything than hurting your feelings. I think it is better this way, at least you are not being lied to.If I get no comments about my looks, I will think people found me ugly. If I get compliments, I'll think people found me so ugly I need some kind of support to deal with it.
But I normally do not say anything, I am afraid it will be misinterpreted. So I just use the thanks button.