Post your picture thread


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What's it like to have SA and be in the military? Would you say that it affects your performance?


Well-known member
@sinar: i'd say having SA definately has a profound effect on my performance. much of what we do in the military requires the individual, to some degree, exhibit leadership qualities such as social assertiveness... i'm often overwhelmed trying to fulfill those expectations. but i never let it stop me from doing what i have to do and getting the job done.

@beatrice: the same reason why we cant find the foxes like you, we're all hiding from eachother ;)


Well-known member
fdctk looks badass,I thought when I saw the pics,but I didnt say it because I feel a bit weird giving compliment to guys besides their clothes....


fdctk looks badass,I thought when I saw the pics,but I didnt say it because I feel a bit weird giving compliment to guys besides their clothes....

No no, it's okay, you can say it. He's a hottie :D Haha jk. About YOU saying it, that is :p


Well-known member
@easy: thanks!
@olhos: haha np bro, i appreciate the compliments. you're living in japan, whereabouts? always been a pipedream of mine to go there.
@beatrice: you're gonna make me blush ;P i see you're from beantown too hmmmm.
@purp: thanks, that pic was taken after i returned from overseas a couple months back... it's kinda old. i actually have both my arms done now.

(dont mind the black block, i didnt want to disrespect my friend by putting her face on here w/o her permission)


Well-known member
Posting these even on a website of non-judgmental people who also have social anxiety is still scary to me...:(

Last time I posted a picture on the internet was when I was was on yahoo and I knew I was taking a risk because of how unusual looking I am with porcelain skin and all (I have never been able to wear makeup because it looks weird)....a few made fun of me which was really hurtful :|




You are drop dead gorgeous! I can't believe people made fun of you. They were definitely intimidated by their own jealousy


@beatrice: you're gonna make me blush ;P i see you're from beantown too hmmmm.

Oh my god, I didn't even know you were from Boston! I didn't see that! haha that's awesome. Not only because you're hot (haha) but because there aren't many people on here from our neck of the woods :D


Well-known member
@beatrice: hahah i didnt realize you were either at first.. i was too distracted by your absolutely gorgeous avatar :)


Well-known member
Have you ever thought about chopping off all your hair and donating it to charity? You have so much hair and it could do so much good. Maybe I should say that a little less dramatic like... have you ever thought about cutting your hair and donating it?

I had really long hair like yours for awhile and then I cut it all off and donated it. At first I thought I was going to die. I had no idea what I was thinking (even though I have been wanting to donate it for a long time) I freaked out for a good 3 months before I got used to shorter hair.

I know it's kind of crazy to think about and a huge uncomfortable step out side of your comfort zone, but I think you should consider it. Hair (usually) grows back and within a couple of years it will be longish again.

People also pay really good money for hair too... 2-3,000 dollars, if you are in a money bind or something haha.