Post your picture thread


Re: Post your pics! :)

if i had a pet i'd probably post pictures of it instead, but here's my face as a consolation prize. :cool:


i iz butterface


flatter-haired butterface. :3

and now a moment of silence for my pouty-myspace-tryhard expression.

WOW you're pretty! :)


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

if i had a pet i'd probably post pictures of it instead, but here's my face as a consolation prize. :cool:


i iz butterface


flatter-haired butterface. :3

and now a moment of silence for my pouty-myspace-tryhard expression.



Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I have SA and it dose not bother me, now stop sniping!

(warning given)

Morgan feel free to post your party pics and you do not need to explain yourself :)

Thankyou remus
and thankyou to everyone who complimented me and defended me, I really felt down about some of the things said and you guys really helped to lift my spirits.
honestly without the supportive posts and comments I got from a lot of you I had really thought about leaving the forum, so thankyou much guys, it means a lot.
: )


Active member
Re: Post your pics! :)

d'awwww, you guys are lovely. thank you for all your compliments. :D my ego is now over 9000.

also morgan, people are dumb. they can't express themselves properly so they attack others instead of try and put it in more direct terms, like...

"when i see pictures of people at parties, or hear about their active social lives, i feel like a failure, but in a public forum i should expect to see these things and should prepare accordingly."

that's how i feel anyway. :) we can't expect the entire world to treat us like we're wrapped in cotton wool. i say post away, and if anyone has a problem with it, we'll beat em up for you. sound good?


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

My sister and I with my kitty :D

and other random ish

This one's for SammyT and UK ppls who don't ever wear sandals
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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Wow! A sandal!! I've never seen ones like that they look pretty comfy compared to the ones I got for going on holiday (goin next week!). Where are those pictures taken dude? I love that cat!


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Geez, Alana's hot.


but yeah.
[I've been meaning to read Naked Lunch for a while now]


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

my shoes or sandles are too big to take a picture of.
i honestly cannot find shoes my size in china, i need to look for months before i can find a fitting pair, and they are usually the last one, in ugly florencent orange or other colors no one wants


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

i got some new pictures!

and and my guitar hero


me and my Father in law


me with my pride and joy.
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