Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

*sigh* for the millionth time I don't have SA.. I have OCD I found the forum when I was earching for an OCD forum..
I feel like I should just never comment on anything but the OCD posts from now on.. : (

Yeah, maybe you should. You don't know what it's like when somebody with social phobia sees pictures like that!


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

How can anyone be 18, have a daughter, have a boyfriend, and still have time to go to that kind of party? No social phobia or not, that doesn't seem right to me.

(Not trying to pass any judgment here, although I seem to be perfectly capable of doing something without even trying.)

first of all it was an 80's rollerskating friends birthday. The picture was taken at fridays where we went afterward which I didn't even get to stay for 5 minutes because I went I had to go home to my little girl..

I have a daughter because I got pregnant and decided not to have an abortion.. I have a boyfriend because I met someone who makes me happy and we are not together.. and sometimes (sue me) but I get a babysitter!

how does that not seem right.. ?
and you are passing judgment..
for some people who want to be accepted by other people you guys certainly are not very accepting to other people..
Maybe I don't have social phobia but I still have a really rough time with some things and just want some support
Re: Post your pics! :)

Morgan, you should repost your pictures. You don't need to justify yourself or apologize to anyone. And your daughter is adorable by the way.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Morgan, you should repost your pictures. You don't need to justify yourself or apologize to anyone. And your daughter is adorable by the way.

thankyou but I don't really want to post pictures just to be criticized so I don't think I will post anymore pictures.
and thanks about my daughter, she's pretty great.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

first of all it was an 80's rollerskating friends birthday. The picture was taken at fridays where we went afterward which I didn't even get to stay for 5 minutes because I went I had to go home to my little girl..

I have a daughter because I got pregnant and decided not to have an abortion.. I have a boyfriend because I met someone who makes me happy and we are not together.. and sometimes (sue me) but I get a babysitter!

how does that not seem right.. ?
and you are passing judgment..
for some people who want to be accepted by other people you guys certainly are not very accepting to other people..
Maybe I don't have social phobia but I still have a really rough time with some things and just want some support

If it helps, I don't really crave others' acceptance. I judge and be judged.

I work with children, I take children-related issues personally. I make it my business to tell parents what they should or shouldn't do. I'm a prick, it's true.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

If it helps, I don't really crave others' acceptance. I judge and be judged.

I work with children, I take children-related issues personally. I make it my business to tell parents what they should or shouldn't do. I'm a prick, it's true.

I have worked with children too. just because you work with kids doesn't mean you know what it's like to be a parent.
So you are saying being a good mother includes never going out, that's rediculous. If by looking at a picture of me you think you know what kind of parent I am you are just ignorant.
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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Yeah, maybe you should. You don't know what it's like when somebody with social phobia sees pictures like that!

You see scenes like that every time you go outside. If you're having some sort of psychological meltdown whenever you're exposed to that sort of thing, it's really not Morgan's fault. People need to cut her some slack in here.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

this is me and my girlfriend before my OCD kicked in


Staff member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Yeah, maybe you should. You don't know what it's like when somebody with social phobia sees pictures like that!

I have SA and it dose not bother me, now stop sniping!

(warning given)

Morgan feel free to post your party pics and you do not need to explain yourself :)
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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

You see scenes like that every time you go outside. If you're having some sort of psychological meltdown whenever you're exposed to that sort of thing, it's really not Morgan's fault. People need to cut her some slack in here.

thankyou I appreciate that


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Ohhh NICE! That's absolutely too awesome to be real, 2crowded! You certainly have had some remarkable experiences =)

Thank you Hippie... that was a remarkable experience for me..I have to thank miss_amy for the opportunity..she invited me & drove me there as well as many other places.


Active member
Re: Post your pics! :)

if i had a pet i'd probably post pictures of it instead, but here's my face as a consolation prize. :cool:


i iz butterface


flatter-haired butterface. :3

and now a moment of silence for my pouty-myspace-tryhard expression.