Post the most couragious thing you did this week?


Well-known member
i m a student at college , i did something. some may say that it s a stupid move but i did it. she was a close friend to me at my class, and a religious type. i told her that i love her. i was not even sure about that. no i did not love her, i just liked her.u do not say every girl u like that u love her do u? so what do u think, was i being both stupid and brave?


Well-known member
sent an funny post to 2 gun annie ;) im errr waiting to get shot btw ........:D


Well-known member
I went outside by myself, and then of course ran back inside when I saw someone else. Woo. XD

Next step: don't run back inside.:)
Me ? Going to the dentist myself because my mother was parking the car earlier this day.


Well-known member
I went today and got my new tattoo, talked to the guy at the desk, talked to a woman waiting in the shop and spoke to the tattooist.. Did this all on my own..

usually i go in with hubby, he does most of the talkin, i tell the tattooist what i want then its silence..

so proud of myself :D
I have willingly agreed to go to another job interview (accompanied by my therapist). It's a job with special guidance, but a job non the less. I'm not sure what it is specifically, but it involves cleaning.

And the best thing is that I'm not even that nervous about it. :)

So perhaps I'll be able to buy my own things shortly. Heck, I'll be able to buy anything at all shortly. Rather exciting. ^W^


Active member
on wednesday i went to the dr., filled a prescription, went to the store, and bought a subway sandwich all by myself :p and i wasn't even that nervous :)


Active member
Went for drinks with a couple of people from work last night (cognitive therapy), it went pretty well.


Well-known member
Went to a meetup group with a large bunch of people I didn't know! Sat and drank coffee for about an hour talking about miscellaneous topics.


Well-known member
I went today and got my new tattoo, talked to the guy at the desk, talked to a woman waiting in the shop and spoke to the tattooist.. Did this all on my own..

usually i go in with hubby, he does most of the talkin, i tell the tattooist what i want then its silence..

so proud of myself :D


For me, I was able to be myself in front of a pretty girl today. Usually I have trouble with this... I just don't know what to do :eek: Lol. Anyway, proud of myself... felt good :)


Well-known member
Working with a manager would be my greatst achievement this week. I was kinda forced to work with him anyways even though I wasn't completely relaxed I really have to give credit for myself for toughing it out :)


Well-known member
Went to my old boxing gym,I had a huge anxiety attack,but I beat myself to go,the feeling of not be rotting at home was much bigger,I could go to like 5 diferent gyms,but I went to my older one.:D


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I was in the back seat of a minibus taxi crammed with about 16 passengers - a woman next to me shouted out to the conductor that she wanted to get off at the next bus stop, but he didn't hear her and neither did the driver because he had such loud music playing. I saw the stricken look on her face as the taxi passed the bus stop and it looked as though she was like me and was going to resign herself to having to walk back to her place from the next stop. I don't know what came over me - I stood up and repeatedly shouted "stop!" at the top of my voice until the conductor eventually heard me.


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I guess recording that guitar solo for my friend was pretty brave of me to do. Not so much for plugging in and wailing away and for not giving up and running away.

I tend to take criticism very poorly. So when trying to do something over and over and over again only to be told each time that it wasn't quite correct or good enough really didn't help me play it right. And I guess having to do it in front of people could be viewed as a sort of exposure-type therapy. But it was still pretty rough when half of my audience was actively looking to criticize and the other half was quite drunk.

And when my friend and I went to Burger King he said "I think you doubt yourself." Ah, if he only knew how right he was.

I answered a text from a classmate who somehow got my number. But of course i chickened out after he asked how my summer was going.

First contact with a classmate since June 2nd. Not much, but I'm proud of that! :D


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I went out on a night out last night, which im really proud of myself for.
As i used to enjoy it a hell of a lot before i became agoraphobia, so after a year of not partying and being controlled by my ex bf it was good to get out.
I was so scared leading up to it, but my mum says shes really proud of me so im happy :D


Well-known member
I bought something in an internet auction and went to the person's house to pick it up. Sometimes I worry unduly about this type of thing, but this time I just decided to take it in stride and went fine.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I went out on a night out last night, which im really proud of myself for.
As i used to enjoy it a hell of a lot before i became agoraphobia, so after a year of not partying and being controlled by my ex bf it was good to get out.
I was so scared leading up to it, but my mum says shes really proud of me so im happy :D

Well done, Damaged. Good to see you're not allowing your agoraphobia to rule your life and stop you doing the things you enjoy. :)