Post the most couragious thing you did this week?


Well-known member
I played a violin duet in church. I was almost completely calm before we started playing, and while we were playing I was only somewhat nervous. Also, today, I asked three people for their phone numbers! I thought I would never be able to do that. XD


Well-known member
Most courageous thing I've done recently was introducing myself to another father while waiting to pick up my daughter from school. I just went with the standard "What's your name, what do you do?" but I figured it was better than nothing. I was going to chicken out by trying too hard to think of something more interesting to talk about.


Attempting to engage other sufferers in conversation here on chatbox . Not a very friendly place at all. Baffling
Attempting to engage other sufferers in conversation here on chatbox . Not a very friendly place at all. Baffling

Aw, don't be discouraged, though. ^W^ You probably caught someone who was very afraid about it too, and just acted out mean without having meant it. :3


Well-known member
I went to a nearby community college for 5 hours by myself to take the ACT. Kinda a big deal since I hadn't really left my house much since the start of summer. It was kind of refreshing to see new faces again.. Even if it took me out of my comfort zone.


Well-known member
What RPG(s) in particular?

Currently we're playing a Dark Heresy campaign. If you don't know, that's set in the WH40K universe. But I've never played any miniatures wargames, and I'm trying to play a sociable character, so I'm really not particularly fond of it. That's definitely because of my character, though. For years we played Dungeons & Dragons, and will probably get back into 4th Edition somewhere along the line.

For a few years I've wanted to run a GURPS campaign, but haven't been able to come up with enough good ideas to actually start one. I've tossed around ideas for campaigns during WWII, colonial-era America, and some type of futuristic/sci-fi thing. But the WWII thing always seems a bit too deadly, and having the most withdrawn and silent guy running the game still doesn't seem like a good idea. Plus we've played I think one GURPS adventure so far....

Occasionally we play board games like Arkham Horror, Zombies!!!, Twilight Imperium, things like that. Not enough of us like war games to actually make playing them worthwhile, though. Risk just isn't as fun with only two players.

So it's more of a gaming group than an RPG group, I guess. We just sit around and talk, eat, try to get the cop to agree with some biased logic, and actually play the game occasionally.



Well-known member
Oh, yeah, and I finally initiated a conversation with someone on that MiniMessenger thing (see bottom of screen). My stomach felt like it was wound as tight as a catapult skein and I felt half sick, but at least I did it. And as tempting as it was to close the window and run away from (user name and gender removed for legal reasons), I stuck with it and actually ended up enjoying it.

So maybe after a few more acts of heroism like that I'll be ready to try calling real people on the dreaded telephone!



Well-known member
I played beach volleyball with some people from work...It had been years since I last played and I barely knew 3 of the 10 people who were there, but I managed to pull through (with some social interaction!) and had fun!

The scariest part was walking up to the court where they were. I couldn't find them initially and I was too anxious to scope them out (there were 8 FULL courts at the time and a lot of people). Almost drove back home...

Note: yes, I kept my shirt on ;)
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Lost Girl

Well-known member
I stopped and spoke to one of those on-the-street 'salesman' types (this was a volunteer however) when I noticed the table he had out had UNHCR Emergency response team posters and pictures of little African kids all over it. I talked to him for a good 15-20 minutes too about all the work they do and was completely engrossed, but there was a moment about halfway through this where I was suddenly conscience that I was talking to a stranger, and in that moment I totally started to freak out in my head and was even starting to think up ways that I could make up an exit excuse, but overcame it thankfully. They do amazing work by the way! Look them up and donate if you can!


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Currently we're playing a Dark Heresy campaign. If you don't know, that's set in the WH40K universe. But I've never played any miniatures wargames, and I'm trying to play a sociable character, so I'm really not particularly fond of it. That's definitely because of my character, though. For years we played Dungeons & Dragons, and will probably get back into 4th Edition somewhere along the line.

For a few years I've wanted to run a GURPS campaign, but haven't been able to come up with enough good ideas to actually start one. I've tossed around ideas for campaigns during WWII, colonial-era America, and some type of futuristic/sci-fi thing. But the WWII thing always seems a bit too deadly, and having the most withdrawn and silent guy running the game still doesn't seem like a good idea. Plus we've played I think one GURPS adventure so far....

Occasionally we play board games like Arkham Horror, Zombies!!!, Twilight Imperium, things like that. Not enough of us like war games to actually make playing them worthwhile, though. Risk just isn't as fun with only two players.

So it's more of a gaming group than an RPG group, I guess. We just sit around and talk, eat, try to get the cop to agree with some biased logic, and actually play the game occasionally.

I played D&D for years, but that was ages ago. I played 1st edition when 2nd edition was out. I've played 3ed but not as regularly. I don't even know what edition they're up to now but switching editions is yet another money scam anyway. I also used to play Axis & Allies with the same group. I do miss it sometimes.


Well-known member
Last week I allowed a buddy to photoshop some pics of me and post them on the 'net.

Keep in mind, I hate pics being taken of me to begin with....having him chop my head on a pink tutu and playing dance dance revolution was a step for me.

I figure laugh at myself :shrug:


I went and received my MA diploma (or what's-it-called in English?) in front of a lot of people! I was nervous but did not fall down the stairs (and I was wearing heels!) when the dean called my name. I'm really proud of myself, even though I spent way too much time trying to graduate. But I DID IT!!! :D
well nothing in particular.. but i kept on fighting instead of lying in bed like i usually do on my summer break.. i exersized and went out with friends :O
and congrats to all of u! :)


Well-known member
i had a twattish week. managed to book a dental appointment though, that'll be fun.
i have to try and get a haircut soon too, that'll be also fun.
Agreed to have a meeting with someone that might have a job for me. It's with guidance, but still I'm rather nervous about it all. It's just a meeting, essentially no strings attached, but still. ^W^;


Well-known member
I went out today with my family and instead of pleading to go to the quiet shops, the quiet restaurants or waiting in the car to avoid people i ate a meal in a packed restaurant full of people but i did it :)

Felt normal for a while! lol.