Post the most couragious thing you did this week?


Well-known member
Made arrangements to go to the cinema on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Not much, perhaps, but considering I've not left the house in about two weeks it's not bad.


Well-known member
went to a restaurant by myself for dinner on wednesday

went to a crowded restaurant with a friend on friday and sat right in the middle of it
Tonight I'll be going over to a friend's house and there will be one person there that I've only met once and two people that I've never met before. And I AGREED to do this, it wasn't sprung on me or anything.

EDIT: Also, I spent two hours on the phone with someone from social security yesterday, and I'm going to be calling my oncologist's office tomorrow.
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Well-known member
More than one thing:

This morning I completed the SSI application online by myself. I've needed to do it for months/years, but have been waiting on the department at my mental facility to help me. I realize that they're probably not going to, so I somehow gathered the courage to do it myself.

This morning I also called the front desk at my moms hospital & asked them to put my mom in another room. That was hard for me but it needed to be done because my moms roommate had died & she was crying & terrified to be in the room, especially since the body was still in there (her family was visiting her) & my mom had to watch her lying there for hours.

I also went to my therapists appointment on Monday. It wasn't a very good experience because she said some very negative things to me, but I'm glad I didn't cancel like I usually do.
practical, lol my sister is telling me that i'm not ready and that i need more practice, i think i should be just fine

My test was odd. The guy with me was no help. After it was done he sighed and muttered, 'you passed this time sir.'

Passed this time? I'm done. Of course, I said nothing.

You'll be fine.


Well-known member
soooo my birthday is tomorrow (friday) and I won't be celebrating it because I didn't tell/invite anyone, fearing that no one would show up. I'm also scared of having a party in which I would be the center of attention.

That made me feel bad because I really want to do something for my bday, so sure enough I responded to a mass email some coworker sent me asking if I'd be interested in participating in a camping trip next weekend. Ordinarily, I would reject this on the spot, but this time, I thought...what the hell, I might as well go. And in fact, I volunteered to drive some of us there. In total, there will be 6 of us, and I barely know any of them (coworkers...I only get along with one of them and he won't be in the car with me)...I've already committed to going, so no backing off, but i'm terrified...I'm proud that I took this step but terrified...can I get some encouragement from SPW that this trip won't be disastrous? :p
soooo my birthday is tomorrow (friday) and I won't be celebrating it because I didn't tell/invite anyone, fearing that no one would show up. I'm also scared of having a party in which I would be the center of attention.

That made me feel bad because I really want to do something for my bday, so sure enough I responded to a mass email some coworker sent me asking if I'd be interested in participating in a camping trip next weekend. Ordinarily, I would reject this on the spot, but this time, I thought...what the hell, I might as well go. And in fact, I volunteered to drive some of us there. In total, there will be 6 of us, and I barely know any of them (coworkers...I only get along with one of them and he won't be in the car with me)...I've already committed to going, so no backing off, but i'm terrified...I'm proud that I took this step but terrified...can I get some encouragement from SPW that this trip won't be disastrous? :p

The last trip I took I wrecked my shoulder. Top that.
It will be terrfying, will not go away. It may lessen as you get going.

Heart, excited, anxious, want to move, get it done. Stuck at the beginning, how to get out? Don't want out. A feeling of wanting out, not thinking. Ignore, not working. Just go.


Well-known member
Today I bought something and when the cashier scanned it the price was more than what it said on the shelf. I told her and she sent someone off to check, and then she corrected it and apologized.
I've never done that before. Every other time I just kept quiet and paid the higher price, then went home fuming.


Well-known member
I played with a pair of random little kids at a surprise pool party yesterday evening after not sleeping the night before and starting some of the demolition work in that unused bedroom in the morning. So I'm tired and sore from all the expected tossing of small creatures in the pool. I didn't know the mother or the kids, but kids in a pool expect to have fun. So I spun them around until I couldn't stand upright and tossed them until my left shoulder really hurt.

The little girl even quizzed me at one point. "Do you have a wife?" "No." "Do you have any kids?" "No." "Then who feeds you?" "I feed myself."

So yeah, I socialized with two little kids. Take that, SA!

I played with a pair of random little kids at a surprise pool party yesterday evening after not sleeping the night before and starting some of the demolition work in that unused bedroom in the morning. So I'm tired and sore from all the expected tossing of small creatures in the pool. I didn't know the mother or the kids, but kids in a pool expect to have fun. So I spun them around until I couldn't stand upright and tossed them until my left shoulder really hurt.

The little girl even quizzed me at one point. "Do you have a wife?" "No." "Do you have any kids?" "No." "Then who feeds you?" "I feed myself."

So yeah, I socialized with two little kids. Take that, SA!


Nothing wrong there. You've got one ability over me. Kids, scare me. No reason, just do. Unfamiliar territory I guess. I am awkward.

Question for you, Tiercel: How to pronounce your screen name¿