Post the most couragious thing you did this week?


Well-known member
I helped a friend write an online midterm for their psychology class. Academics are my main trigger, the reason my doctors insisted I not take classes this summer, so it's safe to say I was treating this exam as my own! Poor guy had to sit back a bit as I madly leafed through textbooks, haha. Fortunately our team effort earned an A...but...I'm so wired (hours later!) I cannot sleep. :( It's confusing, feeling so stimulated and like I'm doing something I'm meant to do but at the same time being drained completely as a result. People say to listen to your body. But what about your mind? Doesn't it get any say?


Well-known member
put a baby seagull back on the roof were it fell off ....... now you might think whats so couragious about that :confused: ill tell you cos its mum and dad were dive bombing me as i climbed up the ladder , i thought fecking hell im trying to put your chick back to a safe place are you blind :mad:.... but its safe now on the roof with its mummy and daddy :)


Well-known member
Not much this week......However I think it's important to extrapolate your contribution.....


Well-known member
put a baby seagull back on the roof were it fell off ....... now you might think whats so couragious about that :confused: ill tell you cos its mum and dad were dive bombing me as i climbed up the ladder , i thought fecking hell im trying to put your chick back to a safe place are you blind :mad:.... but its safe now on the roof with its mummy and daddy :)

YAY! Good for you! And yes I'm familiar with the wrath of bird parents, haha. Swallows are bad enough and those guys are nothing in comparison to a gull. Though...try a goose. ;D


Well-known member
The most courageous thing I did this week was call the therapists office myself to make my appointment (new therapist) not much but I am terrified to make phone calls.


Active member
I too called my pschologists office this week. I stopped going for a looong time because I was too nervous to call. I'm pretty sure the receptionist thought I was nuts though. Kudos minnow!


I told (in a letter, though, we've been together for 12 yrs and I still couldn't discuss this face to face..) to my boyfriend about my SA and he just hugged me and called me his little rabbit. He made me feel so much better and I feel sure now that he will always support me.

Oh, and even though I locked myself out of my house today I still feel like this has been one of the best weeks in a long time.
I cant say I did anything courageous, I don't like to think that. But I did do to my stretching class today, which I have been avoiding. And we had to work out outside, so not only in front of classmates, but anyone that comes by. And it happened a tour group for the college came through and was looking at us. Made it through it all though.


Well-known member
I took the family out for an early Father's Day dinner to Sweet Lucy's. Those of you in Philly should know (and love) this place. Unless you're vegan/vegetarian, of course. I made them all go out today so my brother could eat something (only eats fish meat), and in case my dad wanted to get the salmon, which is a Friday only thing.

So we went over there a little after 7 PM, and I actually handled the crowd rather well. Almost as well as the pulled pork.



Today I went to a restaurant and saw an old friend. She didn't give me much choice but to talk to her since she came to my table, but when we were leaving I went over to her table and said hello to her mom and grandparents instead of ducking out the door.


Well-known member
I went out with my girlfriend's friends last night. I said nothing. Literally. I also pretended to ignore her at various times for anxious-avoidant reasons. So much for being courageous, look how I'm rewarded, with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.


Well-known member
Left my job today unofficially..

The managers are a pain in the arse. Might never find another job in the near future, big shortage at the moment but at least I'm free!


Well-known member
leaving a job is always brave..if its sucks too much you have to make it stop, youre worth that! i am struggling on with mine for now and losing the will to breathe :rolleyes:


Well-known member
i managed to go in the examination room full of students and teachers looking at me and felt not really anxious. i was able to find my seat finally


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Today I actually invited someone to see a movie. That's probably the first time I've invited anyone to anything since I was maybe nine.


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I presented my research to my the principal investigator :D

It went great, and I came up with some new ideas that are now going to be applied to all patients. I had to really control myself though. At every second, I had to hold myself from tremors and had to keep in mind my mumbling; but I pulled through. Now I'm going to have an officially published medical research journal article and I get to move on beyond data collection/interpretation. Yay ^_^