Post a random fact about yourself...

I talk to myself internally. I need to to actively understand why I feel the way I do. Right now I'm trying to understand why I'm touchy and cranky.


Well-known member
I talk to myself every now and then while pretending to have a conversation with other people.

I actually had to google that, I'm glad to see it's just a condiment, phew ::p:
Lol. You were thinking the same thing I was weren't you?


Well-known member
I have become very asocial in past two years and at the same time my self-esteem has increased considerably. I don't know is it due to the cynic and careless attitude. I don't know. My stress meter has also been very low and reduced alot. a050.gif


Does anyone want to see a picture of my big black clock?



Well-known member
"I refuse to ever grow up"

Me too.

I talk to myself outload quite a bit in public. Probably due to being lonely. I get strange looks sometimes.


Well-known member
I talk to myself outload quite a bit in public. Probably due to being lonely. I get strange looks sometimes.

I've done that a few times! I find it so embarrassing, since it's not like I realize I'm doing it until I've been going on for a decent sentence or two ::p:. On the comforting plus side, I've seen a lot of people do it at least once.


Well-known member
I talk to myself outload quite a bit in public. Probably due to being lonely. I get strange looks sometimes.

Ahh too::eek::. I always look both ways before doing it to make sure nobody is there. Then lord behold il be going for almost a paragraph to turn around and see somebody behind me giving me a funny stare.


Well-known member
Twinkle, twinkle, little cow, what I wonder what you are, falling above the sky and crawling under the floor, little little cow, why are you stupid cow...

Right I'm terrible at making new nursery poems/something...