Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
im a virgin, and i don't see things changing, like i said, I'm going for prostitutes if nothing changed in max 1 year.


Well-known member
I have heart PVC's
Which doctors have told me are benign
But I'm pretty sure they're wrong and I'm going to suddenly drop dead any day now.
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Well-known member
^ don't encourage him everyone.

but it's true - i took a picture to prove it:


see? he's making friends already


Well-known member
Well yesterday I nearly burned down the house while cooking some ramen noodles. My brother spilled grease on the burner and didn't bother to clean it up or tell anybody. The flames were almost high enough to reach the overhead cabinets. I managed to smother the fire with an empty pot since the fire extinguisher wasn't where it was suppose to be.


Well-known member
Nobody at my job likes me. I can tell...because no one says a word to me.

I'm sorry you feel like that, Kia.

It doesn't necessarily mean they dislike you... When I was at school people didn't bother to talk to me, (seriously! whole days passed with not a single word being said to me!) and yet now, when people from school contact me on Facebook, it seems that I was liked, to a degree at least... People just didn't bother because I wasn't close friends with them... And the fact I said so little too, I suppose.

But even if they don't like you, try not to feel too badly about it. Lots of people on here, myself included, do like you. :)