Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I once had a woman refer to me as being sexy. I felt good for a moment until she asked me for $5 to put gas in her minivan. I gave it to her and she rode away. ON A BICYCLE!

this is precisely why i seldom talk to people on bicycles

you simply cannot trust them


I am not fond of people who have it "all figured out"
I like skeptics, objectivity and people who doubt everything around them.

There is no such thing as wisdom.
Years ago I worked at a bank and got held up by a robber. It was my first week working there too!

AHHH! Glad you're okay. My friend just started working at a bank. I hope something similar doesn't happen to her.

I'm not a big fan of old black and white movies. I really should give them a try, but I get bored easily. I'm actually not big on any kind of movies. I prefer TV.

ETA: And I'm now at an even 7.00 posts per day. I remember when I was around 9 a day. Good days... ;)


Well-known member
AHHH! Glad you're okay. My friend just started working at a bank. I hope something similar doesn't happen to her.
The whole thing scared the sh** out of me, but I was ok. Didn't particularly enjoy being interviewed by the FBI afterwards either! One of the customers who was in line later told me that they knew exactly what was happening by the look on my face - said my jaw just dropped! I was so glad that I quit working there when I did because a while afterwards, they got robbed again but this time the guy jumped the teller line and stabbed a few people. Scary! :eek: The good news is that they caught my robber! :)

I'm actually not big on any kind of movies. I prefer TV.
Same here!

ETA: And I'm now at an even 7.00 posts per day.
Lucky 7! ::p:


Well-known member
I love and adore Avril Lavigne,
Avril Lavigne is my favorite female singer
Guns N Roses, the CARS and Motley Crue are my favorite bands
I was inspired to sing by Benjamin Orr of the CARS, and Avril Lavigne
Jack Nicholson is one of my favorite actors
the Shining from 1980 is my favorite movie.
Danielle Harris one of my favorite actresses.
Jessica Biel is another favorite actress
I like wearing black and blue
I like the Yankees baseball
I drive an 1981 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
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Well-known member
I like to speak in British/Australian accent. I've never been there yet.

I've been to the USA, Jamiaca, Caymen Islands. That was either in 1999, or 2000 on a cruise. I can't remember everywhere I went, becuase of lack of sleep last night and it was a long time ago.


Well-known member
I only drive Toyota cars, same with my family too.

My Dad owns 2 Toyota Tacomas (2008, 2012), one for his personal use and one for his company which he owns.
My Mum owns a 2009 Toyota Yaris Sedan and I own a 2007 Toyota Yaris Hatchback.
My Sister used to own a 2003 Toyota Echo, but sold it, a couple of years ago, when she moved to the city, has no car now.

My first car was a 2005 Toyota Echo, but got uined when I was rearended in the back March 2011.

The office admin for my Dad's work, drives a Toyota Camry. So, sometimes, there are 5 Toyota vehicles on my property.


Well-known member
This is a fact about me ) I am addicted to fast food and go bankrupt and lose all my money over it and then at the end of the mounth I go hungry .


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Here's a few random fact about me:

Red is my favourite colour
I own nearly every novel and short story collection written by Stephen King
I spend too much money on DVDs - especially if Amazon are having a sale
I like documentary films