Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I'm an old style kind of person.

I like vintage things, old music and stuff. I also have an old style personality.


Well-known member
I'm an old style kind of person.

I like vintage things, old music and stuff. I also have an old style personality.
Ah, me too! I feel like I was born in the wrong era. I would have liked living in the 40's or 50's because I'm drawn to things from that time period.


Well-known member
i used to love playing basketball, until i ran out of people to play with. Social anxiety and stuff. my dream life would've been to play basketball, make music, and live by the beach


Well-known member
I love working on computer, love hardware, building and fixing computers. My brain works like a computer, which helps me understand them better.


Well-known member
I can only sleep with two comforters over me. No matter how hot and humid it is. I keep a fan on all the time to avoid waking up in sweat. Gross.
Trying whatever you can to try to get the cubbies to start winning, huh? ::p:

Um, last I checked they were winning. Too little, too late, but they are winning. The question is how much are you guys going to cough up if you go after Dempster.

(I've been wearing my hats like a fool for a long time now. Maybe I should stop and they'll win. ;))


Being ignored makes me feel depressed.
Small, friendly gestures - such as saying hello - makes a HUGE difference to my life.


Well-known member
Um, last I checked they were winning. Too little, too late, but they are winning. The question is how much are you guys going to cough up if you go after Dempster.

(I've been wearing my hats like a fool for a long time now. Maybe I should stop and they'll win. ;))
Not to rub it in or anything, but the Giants are in 1st place in the NL West - woop woop!!! :) :) :)