Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
You're just going to let Waldo die in your basement? Then Where's Waldo will be no fun. "Where's Waldo?" "He's buried in the cemetery." ;)

lmao. Me thinks Pheonixx is this guy :

Or maybe it isn't Waldo at all. Maybe it's the Hamburglar that lives in Phoenixx's basement.


Phoenixx, do you often find that your hamburgers are missing??


Well-known member
You're just going to let Waldo die in your basement? Then Where's Waldo will be no fun. "Where's Waldo?" "He's buried in the cemetery." ;)
^ Hahaha XD This had me laughing so hard.

If you want to find Waldo and make sure he's not in my basement, you're welcome to come to my house and search.

lmao. Me thinks Pheonixx is this guy :

^ What in the... What is that?

And no, that is certainly not me, lol.

Or maybe it isn't Waldo at all. Maybe it's the Hamburglar that lives in Phoenixx's basement.


Phoenixx, do you often find that your hamburgers are missing??
^ Nope, hamburgers are safe. ::p:


not actually Fiona Apple
Frequently when I realize it is 2 am in the morning, I will stop what I am doing and go listen to this song.

Also, I whenever I place something, usually a piece of paper, down on a table or other surface I will tap it with my hand lightly afterward almost every time. Sometimes I'll tap it twice. I do it with a lot of things, when I turn lights off I'll tap the wall after sometimes, after checking myself down I will tap my chest lightly with my finger. It's sort of my way of telling myself "all set" or "ready to go."


Well-known member
i'm scared of cockroaches.

i sometimes feel guilty when i kill insects.

whenever rats pester our house, my parents would set up traps or poison to kill them, and i would have the strangest urge to throw them away because i pity the poor animals. *weird*

i love french fries, spaghetti, and mango float.

i can spend 19 hrs everyday in front of the computer.


Well-known member
i sometimes feel guilty when i kill insects.
Unbelievably, I am getting the same way. Insects are just trying to live their short lives in peace and here we are swatting and squashing and spraying them for our benefit. But I really have to stop feeling guilty because spiders scare me and if they encroach my space then they need to die! Haha.


Well-known member
I'm exactly the same with the insect thing, I always make sure to get them outside rather than killing them. Even if a spider falls in to the show I'll stop to make sure it gets out. :p


Well-known member
I've recently taken a liking to The Big Bang Theory. Why haven't I watched this show before?
I watched all the episodes until this last season, when I stopped doing everything. Same with How I Met Your Mother. That's another funny one, you should watch it if you haven't already :)


Well-known member
I watched all the episodes until this last season, when I stopped doing everything. Same with How I Met Your Mother. That's another funny one, you should watch it if you haven't already :)
^ Yeah I'm just starting, watching whatever reruns are playing on tv, haha. I also just got done watching online actually. :D

I haven't watched How I Met Your Mother yet. I should look into it.
I've recently taken a liking to The Big Bang Theory. Why haven't I watched this show before?

My dad and sister swear by that show. I like it and I'll watch it with them sometimes, but I can't bring myself to actually watch it religiously. There are some very funny and truly inspired moments, but there are also jokes that are telegraphed and I can see them coming a mile away and that bothers me. I'm also not big on laugh track shows anymore. It's like they are telling me when I should laugh.